Diabetes糖尿病英文 2019/11/25 Terminology Combiningformprefixandsuffix aden/o crin/o hormon/o adren/o meaning gland腺 secrete分泌 hormone激素 adrenalglands肾上腺 terminology meaning adenitisadenomaadenopathy 腺炎腺瘤腺病 endocrinologyhypercrinecrinogenic 内分泌学内分泌机能亢进的促分泌的 hormonal 激素的,...
4.The blood glucose level is high, and many patients with ketosis acid toxic as the first symptom. Low serum level of insulin and The low level of C peptide 38 2019/11/2 1 Terminology Combining form prefix and suffix aden/o crin/o meaning gland 腺 secrete 分泌 hormone 激素 adrenal ...
T2DM is on the rise1. It is characterized by hyperglycaemia due to insulin resistance and decreased insulin activity. Genetic factors, environmental agents and their interactions have been recognized as contributors to the development of T2DM2,3,4. As of 2014, more than 371 million people reported...
Diabetes糖尿病英文 Terminology Combiningformprefixandsuffix aden/o crin/o hormon/o adren/o meaningterminology meaning gland腺 secrete分泌 hormone激素 adrenalglands肾上腺 adenitisadenomaadenopathy 腺炎腺瘤腺病 endocrinologyhypercrinecrinogenic 内分泌学内分泌机能亢进的促分泌的 hormonal 激素的,激素性 hormono...
Diabetes糖尿病英文 现在一页,总共四十七页。Terminology Combiningformprefixandsuffix aden/o crin/o hormon/o adren/o 2022/3/19 meaningterminology meaning gland腺 secrete分泌 hormone激素 adrenalglands肾上腺 adenitisadenomaadenopathy 腺炎腺瘤腺病 endocrinologyhypercrinecrinogenic 内分泌学内分泌机能亢进的促分泌...
激素性 激素生成 内分泌学 adren/o adrenal glands 肾上腺 adrenitis adrenolytic adrenopathy 肾上腺炎 抗肾上腺素的 肾上腺病 * * Terminology * Combining form prefix and suffix meaning terminology meaning pancreat/o pancreas 胰腺 pancreatic pancreatin pancreatogram 胰腺,胰脏的 胰酶 胰造影摄片 gluc/o ...