MortalityRoyal College of General PractitionersGeneral practiceTrendThere remains a wide variation in mortality rate of people with diabetes between general practices in UK. The mortality rate and life years lost for people with diabetes vs non-diabetes individuals have remained stable in recent years,...
The increasing demand for diabetes devices is attributed to preventing longer hospital stays and higher mortality rates in diabetic patients. As these devices facilitate continuous monitoring and management of blood sugar levels, they empower patients to proactively address their condition, thereby potentiall...
Physical activity is ameliorative for individuals with type 2 diabetes, but most previous studies have relied on self-reported data, which are subject to recall bias. Here, the authors show L-shaped associations of accelerometer-derived physical activity with all-cause mortality, and a negative line...
Diabetes mellitus as a predictor of cancer mortality in a large cohort of US adults. Am J Epidemiol. 2004;159:1160–7. Article PubMed Google Scholar UK Biobank: Protocol for a large-scale prospective epidemiological resource [
(HealthDay)—Middle-aged people with type 2 diabetes, particularly women and those under the age of 55, have a two to three times higher risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality than people without diabetes, according to research published online F
Each year, diabetes mellitus caused over nine thousand deaths in Taiwan. In 2023, the standardized mortality rate from diabetes mellitus in Taiwan was 22.8 deaths per 100,000 people. Males generally had a higher death rate than females. ...
Age-specific prevalence of total diabetes (left panel) and all-cause mortality rate ratios (right panel) in men and women eFigure 3. Adjusted diabetes versus no diabetes RRs for cause-specific mortality by region eFigure 4. Adjusted diabetes versus no diabetes RRs for cause-specific mortality ...
1 Diabetic women are at particularly high risk of CHD2; diabetes eliminates the usual female advantage for coronary disease mortality. Women with type 2 diabetes, compared with age-matched nondiabetic women, have a 5- to 7-fold higher rate of CHD death, with an event rate similar to that ...
“Mortality rates due to diabetes in Bermuda are generally higher than the OECD average, with male mortality rates almost double. However, this rate probably underestimates the true number of deaths related to diabetes because it isn’t always recorded as a contributor e.g., when someone dies ...
Thus, the global CVD-related mortality among people with diabetes in low-income countries may decrease in time, in-line with high-income countries. Despite the trend in the reduction in the overall CVD mortality, the incidence and mortality rate of T2DM continue to increase annually, and along...