Patients were stratified regarding the co-prevalence of DM (ICD-codes E10-E14), and the impact of DM on in-hospital case fatality and in-hospital adverse events was analyzed. Results: Overall, 176,137 hospitalizations with confirmed COVID-19 infection were documented; of these, 45,232 (...
糖尿病diabetesmellitus 一、概述 ❖糖尿病是一组以慢性血糖水平增高为特征的代谢性疾病,是由于胰岛素分泌和作用缺陷所引起。长期碳水化合物以及脂肪、蛋白质代谢紊乱可引起多系统损害,导致眼、肾、神经、心脏、血管等组织器官的慢性进行性损害、功能减退及衰竭。可发生严重代谢紊乱,如糖尿病酮症酸中毒、高渗昏迷。...
Blood Glucose, C-Peptide, Diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1, Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2, Diabetes, Gestational, E10*, E11*, E13*, E14*, E89.1*, Endocrinology, Glucose Intolerance, Hemoglobin A, Glycosylated, Hyperglycemia, Insulin Resistance, Internal medicine, Maturity-onset diabetes of the ...
Diabetes mellitus is a leading cause of mortality and reduced life expectancy. We aim to estimate the burden of diabetes by type, year, regions, and socioeconomic status in 195 countries and territories over the past 28 years, which provide informat
Type 1 diabetes mellitus as a disease of the β-cell (do not blame the immune system?) Article 08 December 2020 Autoimmune diseases: targets, biology, and drug discovery Article 14 December 2023 A perspective on treating type 1 diabetes mellitus before insulin is needed Article 13 Marc...
estimaron los costos hospitalarios de la atención a pacientes con diabetes mellitus utilizando los grupos relacionados por el diagnóstico en el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) entre 2008 y 2013, y los egresos hospitalarios de los códigos E10-E14 correspondientes a diabetes mellitus....
Leow ZZX, Guelfi KJ, Davis EA, Jones TW, Fournier PA (2018) The glycaemic benefits of a very-low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet in adults with Type 1 diabetes mellitus may be opposed by increased hypoglycaemia risk and dyslipidaemia. Diabet Med 35(9):1258–1263.
A person was considered diabetic when he/she had at least one diabetic ICD-10 code (any code within the E10-E14 range) reported as the main reason for the service within the public healthcare system. The registered diagnosis date was identified as the date of the very first issuance of a...
Diabetes deaths were identified in individuals ≥ 25 years of age, with International Classification of Diseases-8-clinical modification (ICD) codes 250 for the years 1968 to 1978, ICD-9-CM codes 250 for the years 1979 to 1998, and ICD-10-CM codes E10-E14 from Results Between 1968 and ...
1 table, 1 figure omitted. Although diabetes mellitus most often is diagnosed in adulthood, it remains one of the most common serious chronic diseases of childhood.1Youths with diabetes are at risk for diabetes-related mortality because of acute complications that can result from the condition,2in...