Central diabetes insipidus is an uncommon or rare condition, due to a deficiency of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and may be total or partial. Primary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is rare in dogs. Secondary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus accounts for the majority of cases of canine polyuria/poly...
The AGE/RAGE/NF-(kappa)B pathway may contribute to the pathogenesis of polyneuropathy in impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). B pathway may contribute to the pathogenesis of polyneuropathy in impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)[J].Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes,2005,... K Haslbeck ...
Objective-To assess clinical signs, biochemical findings, results of modified water deprivation and other diagnostic tests, response to treatment, and survival time in dogs with central diabetes insipidus (CDI).Harb MFNelson RWFeldman ECScottmoncrieff JCGriffey SM...
Navar LG, Uther JB, Baer PG: Pressure diuresis in dogs with diabetes insipidus. Nephron 8: 97-102, 1971Navar LG, Uther JB, Baer PG: Pressure diuresis in dogs with diabetes insipidus. Nephron 1971;8:97-102Navar LG, Uther JB, Baer PG (1971) Pressure diuresis in dogs with diabetes ...
and Bie. P.: Peroral administration of antidiuretic peptides to conscious dogs, normal humans and patients with diabetes insipidus. Front. Horm. Res., 13: 314, 1985.Vilhardt H, Hammer M, Bie P. Peroral administration of antidiuretic peptides to conscious dogs, normal humans and patients ...