【北京】粉金闪 相对而言不会特别显毛孔 也不会闪得太夸张 颜色比较惊艳 【大理】推荐 我的第一块腮红 日常且百搭 不知道为什么拍出来有点棕棕的 实际上脸是很温柔低调的豆沙色 不容易重手 上脸哑光 【上海】毛茸茸很嫩的鹅黄色 适合搭配橘色黄色系妆容 上手有被可爱到【西安】又是一个试色有被“哇”到的...
mintmark,mintmaster,minto,Minton,mints,minty,minuano,minuend,minuent,minuet, 相似单词 dimetridazole,dimevamide,dimexan,dimexano,dimidiate,dimidiation,dimidium,dimidius,diminish,diminishable, 英汉-汉英词典 n. 半,切半 用户正在搜索 minutehand,minutely,minuteman,minuteness,minuter,minutes,minutia,minuti...
Mints, Yuliya Y.Berk, John L.Connors, LawreenDoros, GheorgheGopal, Deepa M.Kataria, ShivangiLohrmann, GrahamPipilas, Alexandra R.Ruberg, Frederick L.Amyloid: the international journal of experimental and clinical investigation : the official journal of the International Society of Amyloidosis...
【题目】 C.o cak whe hr is n v 15 enighr n of di They und that.p he rvl the 26. 2 le route, the raffic is ften so blockd up by ad oures that key mines ar lost getting patients to ospital."When it coms to treating pople in the in of a ht ack,mints do matter-hat...
Putting a whole box of mints in my purse!! Silverware you put from the restaurant that almost kept me from getting on the plane!! Oh the list goes on!! Thank you for all my life lessons !! I love you dearly !! Fly high!! Hug that twin tight!! Kiss Toosie!! Until we meet agai...
The Sui had made a somewhatdesultoryattempt to provide China with a unifiedcoinage. Gaozu set up mints and began the production of a good copper currency that remained standard throughout the Tang era. But cash was in short supply during most of the 7th century and had to be supplemented ...
de Vos Tot Nederveen Cappel WH, Hill J, Wijnen JT, Jenkins MA,Green K, Lalloo F, Sunde L, Mints M, Bertario L, Pineda M, Navarro M, Morak M,Renkonen-Sinisalo L, Valentin MD, Frayling IM, Plazzer JP, Pylvanainen K,Genuardi M, Mecklin JP, Moeslein G, Sampson JR, Capella G...
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