onDragInfires when an item is dragged to a potential target (the event can be blocked) onDragOutfires when an item is dragged out of the potential target (the event can be blocked) onDropfires when an item is already placed in its final position ...
mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('gridbox'); mygrid.setImagePath("/resources/controls/dhtmlx/grid/imgs/"); mygrid.setHeader("报废申请号,报废类型,报废申请人,报告申请日期,库位,成本中心,物料号,物料描述,旧物料号,规格,物料组,报废数量,单价,报废金额,单位,报废原因,物料入厂时间,SAP凭证号码,SAP记账...
DHTMLX Grid web control can conform to any design guidelines and behave the way you need. CSS classes and HTML templates allow you to style all elements of the JavaScript datagrid widget. Multiple event handlers help you control how it reacts to user actions. ...
Now we need to add event listeners to our star elements to make them react on the user’s actions. We will use the dhtmlxEvent functionality to add the event handlers to the dhtmlxGrid body. onmouseover event Hovering over any rating star will turn on the mode, when the user can set a...
//combo_unite.attachEvent("comboFilter",comboFilter(13, json, 'combo_intype', 'py', true, true)); // y.addOption([[ 1, 'aaaa', "color:red"], [ 2, 'bbbb'], [ 3, 'cccc'], [ 4, 'dddd'], [ 5, 'eeee']]); combo1(); ...
1. 基本使用方法 dhtmlXGrid使用起来还是比较简单的,下面是一段它自带例子中的代码: Java代码 mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject('gridbox'); mygrid.setImagePath("../imgs/"); mygrid.setHeader("Sales,Book Title,Author,Price,In Store,Shipping,Bestseller,Date of Publication"); mygrid.set...
修改数据的实现写在2状态中 服务器响应:通过dataprocessor的对象绑定onAfterUpdate事件后可以在jsp 页面编写回调函数提示数据修改成功. Ex: dp.attachEvent(“onAfterUpdate”, some_function); function some_function(…..){ //代码 } 注意响应xml的编写格式 Details©...
DHTMLXGRID表格显示控件简介 dhtmlXGrid表格显示控件简介 dhtmlxGrid功能简介 优美的表格化数据显示,用户可用鼠标拖动方便地改变各列的宽度 支持客户端表格排序,只需单击要排序列的表头。并且支持设置列的数据类型(数字、字符串、日期),按类型排序 页面所有数据操作全部采用Ajax技术后台处理,整个页面只会加载一次,所有...
1、服务端处理的Conntllor package com.snailteam.reporting.web; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.validation.Validator; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
1. 基本使用方法 dhtmlXGrid使用起来还是比较简单的,下面是一段它自带例子中的代码: mygrid =newdhtmlXGridObject('gridbox'); mygrid.setImagePath("../imgs/"); mygrid.setHeader("Sales,Book Title,Author,Price,In Store,Shipping,Bestseller,Date of Publication"); mygrid.set...