Hello, Can anyone please help to how to add DHT11 and transmit data (temperature and humidity) from ESP32 input to Private Broker (Mosquitto), Public broker(AWS) with Espressif IDE. If you know any sources or any github where I can test the code....
《DNESP32S3使用指南-IDF版_V1.6》第三十章 DHT11数字温湿度传感器 初始化成功,那么在循环中调用dht11_get_temperature函数获取温湿度值,每隔100ms读取数据并显示在LCD上。30.4 下 发表于 12-26 09:26 关于Air780E:使用文件系统存储温湿度数据怎么操作? 的使用-程序源码demo 780E开发板和DHT11 合宙的TCP/...
Reading the sensor with I2C connection (AM2320 only):#include "zh_dht.h" #define I2C_PORT (I2C_NUM_MAX - 1) void app_main(void) { esp_log_level_set("zh_dht", ESP_LOG_NONE); #ifdef CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP8266 i2c_config_t i2c_config = { .mode = I2C_MODE_MASTER, .sda_io_...
Esp-idf driver for DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor esp32temperaturedht11humidity UpdatedMay 12, 2021 C Arduino指纹解锁门禁系统 arduinofingerprintdht11 UpdatedSep 30, 2021 C++ tangowhisky37/LetsHack Star44 Notes & HowTo's covering the Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32, etc. ...
This is a minimal library with just one function to get the reading, it is using ESP32 RMT peripheral and Arduino to implement a onewire communication with the sensor. This library is a non-blocking and does not use any CPU delays or disable interrupts, can also be used with other RTM ...