打开Arduino IDE上的主程序,然后向下滚动到下面显示的该区域,您必须将数组值替换为为遥控器获得的值。 请注意,我使用了 10 个阵列,其中两个用于打开和关闭交流电,而其余 8 个用于设置不同的温度。例如,Temp23 用于在交流电上设置 23°C,因此请使用该阵列中的相应代码。完成后,您只需将代码上传到Arduino并将其...
Sketch->Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library 复制代码 要将Arduino的数据从电脑中提取到Excel表格中,...
校验和定义为:前 4 个 Byte 的总和的低 8 位。 Arduino Test #include "dht11.h" #define DHT_PIN 2 DHT11dht11(DHT_PIN); voidsetup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("DHT11 TEST PROGRAM "); Serial.print("LIBRARY VERSION: "); Serial.println(DHT11LIB_VERSION); Serial.println(); ...
Arduino library for DHT11 and DHT22 (and compatible) with automatic sensor type recognition. Description DHTNEW is stable for both ARM and AVR. It is based upon the well tested DHTlib code. This is the main development library of all my DHT libraries. ...
This is a library for the DHT11, DHT12, DHT22, DHT33, DHT44 and clone temperature and humidity sensors. Read more onhttp://playground.arduino.cc/Main/Dht Warnings These sensors are very slow and have a huge (~800uA) standby current (if they even have a standby mode). So the only...
DHT-sensor-library, 用于DHT11DHT22的Arduino库,等温度湿度传感器 这是一个用于DHT系列低成本温度/湿度传感器的Arduino库。教程:https://learn.adafruit.com/dht下载。点击右上角的下载按钮,将未压缩的文件夹重命名为 DHT 。 检查DHT文件夹是否包含 DHT.cp
The same library can be used for both DHT11 and DHT22/AM2302 sensors. After that, you will see the message of library correctly installed. Now click on the close button. This library is now successfully included in the library manager of Arduino IDE. This is a very powerful library. Beca...
在标准Cosm Arduino传感器客户端示例中添加了温度和湿度传感器(DHT11)。工作一小段时间后,数据流呈扁平线。 * using the new Arduino library to send and receive data. DHT11include <SPI.h>#include <HttpClient.h> #inclu 浏览4提问于2013-04-13得票数 0 ...
将DHT11和16×2字符LCD接线到Arduino UNO 将DHT22和16×2字符LCD接线到Arduino UNO 下图将在16×2字符LCD上打印温度和相对湿度值。除了在LCD上打印值外,它使用相同的代码。 #include<LiquidCrystal.h> // includes the LiquidCrystal Library#include<dht.h>#define dataPin 8LiquidCrystallcd(12,11,5,4,3...