一般从网上买的 Arduino 传感器套件版本的 DHT11,会有一个带 LED 的焊好的板,上面有三个接线引脚,分别是 VCC, GND, DATA,接线时,只要将 VCC 接到 Arduino 5V上,GND 接到 Arduino GND 上,DATA 引脚接 Arduino Pin8上即可。 Arduino_KY-015_Keyes_Temperature_humidity_sensor_module_connection_diagram.png ...
Aosong DHT11温湿度传感器产品说明书 Temperature and humidity module DHT11 Product Manual www.aosong.com
Proteus仿真图: (Proteus simulation diagram:) Proteus仿真连线图 程序源码: (Program source code:) //main.c/* * This Code is written to Developed to Extract Temperature and Humidity * Data from the DHT11 Sensor using the one-wire Communication protocol. * And Displays the Extracted Data on a ...
Aosong DHT11温湿度传感器说明书 Temperature and Humidity Module DHT11 Product Manual For more information, please visit:www.aosong.com
Humidity :20-90% RH ± 5% RH error Interface: Digital Tutorial Connecting diagram Sample Code Please download theDHTLibto your Arduino library first. #include<dht11.h>dht11 DHT;#defineDHT11_PIN 4voidsetup(){Serial.begin(9600);Serial.println("DHT TEST PROGRAM ");Serial.print("LIBRARY VERSIO...
Wiring diagram of DHT22 interfacing with ESP32 Pinout of both DHT11 and DHT22 sensors are the same as you can see in the picture. The first pin for both sensors is a power supply(Vcc) pin. Connect it with the 3.3-volt pin of ESP32. ...
Tab.1PinillustrateofDHT11 Pin名称注释 1 DD供电3~5 5 DC 2DATA串行数据,单总线 3 C空脚,悬空 4G D接地,电源负极 -83- 《电子设计工程》2013年第13期 图3DHT与微处理器通信过程 Fig.3CommunicationprocessoftheDHTandmicrocontroller 图5数字信号 ...
DHT11, DHT22 and AM2302 Sensors说明书 DHT11, DHT22 and AM2302 Sensors Created by lady ada https://learn.adafruit.com/dht Last updated on 2022-12-01 01:49:21 PM EST ©Adafruit Industries Page 1 of 13
Upon VDD reaching the power-up voltage level VPOR, the The SDA pin is used to transfer data in and out of the SHTC3 enters the idle state after a duration of t fter that, sensor. For safe communication, the timing specifications the sensor should be set to sleep mode with the command...