ESP32 Arduino开发 DHT11传感器 参考:CSDN博客 1. 安装程序库 打开库管理工具 工具-> 管理库... 查找所需要的程序库 安装DHT sensor library 2. 编写相关程序 2.1. 引入头文件 #include<DHT.h>#include<DHT_U.h> 2.2. 创建DHT对象 DHT对象创建的函数需要两个参数,一个是用于获取数据的引脚号,一个是传感器...
Re: DHT22 library for ESP32by ESP_Sprite » Tue Jun 20, 2017 5:49 am Use the RMT peripheral; it's perfect for signals like this and should be able to receive the DHT22 signal all on its own. It can trigger an interrupt afterwards, and you can use that to un-block a task ...
dhtESP32-rmt Arduino Library for ESP32 DHT11, DHT21, DHT22, AM2301, AM2302 This is a minimal library with just one function to get the reading, it is using ESP32 RMT peripheral and Arduino to implement a onewire communication with the sensor. ...
some of them only basic temperature and humidity values. I wanted to combine all interesting functions into one library. In addition, none of the DHT libraries I found were written to work without errors on the ESP32. For ESP32 (a multi core/ multi processing SOC) task switching must be ...
ESP32嵌入式单片机实战项目-1.演示部分-智能家居Ⅰ毕业设计可用|可拓展|语音控制|手机APP|保姆级教程|手把手带新手小白学习实操 01:00 ESP32嵌入式单片机实战项目-2.课程介绍-智能家居控制系统Ⅰ毕业设计可用|可拓展|语音控制|手机APP|保姆级教程|手把手带新手小白学习实操 01:33 ESP32嵌入式单片机实战项目-3....
There, type “DHT22” on the search bar and install the one named “DHT sensor library for ESPx“, as highlighted in figure 1.Figure 1 –Installing the DHT22 library for the ESP32. The electric diagram As mentioned, there’s only the need for a single pin of the microcontroller to be...
两个esp8266实现两个stm32单片机数据通信,简单的按键无线控制小车行驶 979 -- 2:02 App 用AI快速生成DHT11温湿度传感器代码,用stm32固件库。利用上AI工具 219 -- 1:53 App 微信小程序DHT11传感器以及远程点灯 4.9万 1 0:20 App STM32 vs STC32 蒙特卡洛计算圆周率速度比较 1235 -- 6:12 App 7.3米思...
【玩转ESP32】4、ESP32驱动DHT11 1、新建dht11工程 把上节的blink工程复制一份,修改名称为dht11,其中CMakeLists.txt、Makefile、包括源文件名也改为dht11,然后试着编译,发现可以编译通过,这样就可以先不用去管CMakeLists.txt、Makefile等文件的编写。
【单片机毕业设计】智能路灯2 方案:stm32+bh1750光照+esp8266+阿里云+app 1340 -- 3:15 App 【单片机毕业设计】智能老人健康监护系统 STM32+WIFI+GSM+MQTT+GPS+语言+加速度计+温湿度+烟雾+PM2.5+APP+阿里云+百度地图sdk 975 -- 3:27 App 【单片机毕业设计】独居老人监护系统 方案:stm32+红外+烟雾+心率血氧...