使用DHT sensor library库(需自己安装,安装教程在上面的ESP8266开发环境搭建教程中)来直接读取DHT11的数据。 #include<DHT.h> //调用DHT库DHTdht(D1,DHT11);//设置Data引脚所接IO口和传感器类型voidsetup(){//初始化函数,只在程序开始时运行一次Serial.begin(115200);//设置串口波特率dht.begin();}//https:...
使用DHT库 使用DHT sensor library库(需自己安装,安装教程在上面的ESP8266开发环境搭建教程中)来直接读取DHT11的数据。 AI检测代码解析 #include <DHT.h> //调用DHT库 DHT dht(D1,DHT11); //设置Data引脚所接IO口和传感器类型 void setup(){ //初始化函数,只在程序开始时运行一次 Serial.begin(115200); /...
使用DHT sensor library库来直接读取DHT22的数据。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 #include <DHT.h> //调用DHT库 DHT dht(D1,DHT22); //设置Data引脚所接IO口和传感器类型 void setup(){ //初始化函数,只在程序开始时运行一次 Serial.begin(115200); //设置串口波特率 dht.begin()...
begin());// To start the sensor you must call "begin()", the default settings use Wire (default Arduino I2C port) } //https://blog.zeruns.tech void loop() { float RH,T; delay(1000); //延时1000毫秒 SHTC3_Status_TypeDef result = mySHTC3.update(); if(mySHTC3.lastStatus == ...
can be easily used to get values of temperature and humidity only by calling two lines of functions. We will see later on how to do it. Now let’s see how to install the DHT library in Arduino. This library is provided by Adafruit. Follow these steps to install the DHT sensor library...
Esp8266为核心连接DHT22的温度传感器的技术要求 esp8266 温控,Arduino设计说明1.作品介绍1.1功能说明由手机软件“点灯科技APP”对作品进行主要控制,手机界面可显示温度湿度数值,设定临界点温度t=30摄氏度,当温度低于30摄氏度时绿灯亮起,风扇反转,转速500;温度高于30
Yes, we manufacture different controller board, Exponsion Shiled Board, sensor Module for Arduino, 3Dprinter Controller Board,Raspberry Pi,Banana pi. Our factory and office are in Shenzhen, welcome you to visit at any time! Send your...
22Tags Code This branch is6 commits behindadafruit/DHT-sensor-library:master. README Code of conduct MIT license DHT sensor library Description An Arduino library for the DHT series of low-cost temperature/humidity sensors. You can find DHT tutorialshere. ...