网址: (三)如认为自身民事权利及自由受到侵犯,可向美国国土安全部民事权利和自由办公室(Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties)投诉。网址: (四)可就被拒入境等造成的损失向美国国土安全部旅客赔偿...
Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties; DHS Individual Complaint of Employment DiscriminationScott Charbo
are expressing dismay over some of Ukraine’s latest moves, including a World Trade Organization complaint over bans on Ukrainian grain from Poland and two other EU countries.” In surprisingly blunt and terse words given to reporters on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly...
Cuccinelli II, also ordered him to modify intelligence assessments to make the threat of white supremacy ‘appear less severe’ and include information on violent ‘left-wing’ groups, according to the complaint, which was released Wednesday by the Hou...
In an exclusive interview, acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf said the report "touches on all the major threat streams that I look at on a daily basis." In September, a senior DHS officialalleged in a whistleblower complaintthat Wolf told him to withhold an intelligence notificatio...