Sale S, Tunstall RG, Ruparelia KC, Potter GA, Steward WP, Gescher AJ. Comparison of the effects of the chemopreventive agent resveratrol and its synthetic analog trans 3,4,5,4′-tetramethoxystilbene (DMU-212) on adenoma development in the Apc(Min+) mouse and cyclooxygenase-2 in human-deriv... Further, the Census shows that the United States overall is 79% white (60% white/non-Hispanic) and only 13.3% black. It’s about 18% Hispanic. As you know, the DeKalb superintendent is black. Most of his staff ...
Indicators of child malnutrition include stunting, wasting, and underweight, which refer to children who are, respectively, too short for their age (low height-for-age), too thin for their height (low weight-for-height), and too thin for their age (low weight-for-age). Height-for-age, ...
For some countries, monoga- mous first union status could not be collected because only ever-married women were interviewed. In countries where the wife's union rank (first wife, second wife, etc.) was not asked, it was assumed that there was no polygyny. Overall, sexually experienced ...
HIV prevalence among women and men age 15-49, by marital status Marital status Country/sex Never in union Monoga- mous Polygy- nous Widowed Divorced/ separated Total Number Burkina Faso 2003 Male Female Number 1.2 0.7 2.0 2,277 2.5 3.2 2.0 2,742 1.2 1.5 1.2 1,916 7.0 16.1 6.3 104 ...
Adigun AB, Gajere EN, Oresanya O, Vounatsou P. Malaria risk in Nigeria: Bayesian geostatistical modelling of 2010 malaria indicator survey data. Malar J. 2015;14:156. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Diboulo E, Sié A, Vounatsou P. Assessing the effects of malaria intervent...
32 Figure 5.5 Under-Five Mortality Rates by Wealth Quintile, India 1992-93 Deaths per 1,000 births 180 160 155 153 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Lowest Second 120 Middle Wealth quintile 87 Fourth 54 Highest Table 5.2 Child mortality and other health indicators by wealth quintile, DHS surveys...
i-pucca houses, and houses made with high quality materials throughout, including the floor, roof, and exterior 1w0aEllse,catrriecictya,llLePdGp/uncactuarhaol guases,s.or biogas 110 IEnlecclutrdiceistyc,oLaPl/Glig/naitteu,rachl gaarcs,ooalr, bwiogoads, straw/shrubs/grass, agricultural...