1. What does "DHL shipment on hold" mean in customs? It means your package is undergoing additional scrutiny or documentation checks required by customs authorities.2. Can I expedite the resolution of a shipment on hold? Yes, you can contact DHL support, provide necessary documents, or ...
这种情况,可以让收件方再主动给DHL打电话报单号和收件方信息,和DHL工作人员预约下一次的 派送时间,...
If you’ve ever tracked a DHL shipment, you may have noticed the “on hold” status at some point during the process. So, what does this “DHL Shipment On Hold” status mean? Basically, it means that DHL is waiting for something – whether that’s more information from the sender, ...
DHL 处于Shipment on hold状态是不是意味着这个件凶多吉少了 不一定的,有的时候是等航班,有的时候是处于操作过程,有的时候是在海关办理清关手续。一般来讲,Shipment on H DHL 查询显示 “shipment on hold”,这是是什么意思,快件处于... 装运在进行。你上的如果是DHL的英文网,那么它自然显示的就是当地时间。
在运送中的意思。DHL是全球著名的邮递和物流集团 Deutsche Post DHL旗下公司,主要包括以下几个业务部门:DHL Express、DHL Global Forwarding, Freight 和 DHL Supply Chain。1969年,DHL开设了他们的第一条从旧金山到檀香山的速递运输航线,公司的名称DHL由三位创始人姓氏的首字母组成(Dalsey, Hillblom ...
Most statuses simply serve as an informational update to keep you informed and do not require any action on your part. However, there are critical statuses, such as 'Shipment On Hold,' that require your immediate action to facilitate the shipment's progression. ...
为什么我的货物在美国..为什么我的货物在美国那边卡了四五天,一直处于“Shipment on hold”的状态,美国到香港,之前还寄过更大的,这次居然卡了这么久,希望能有大哥能够相助!在此谢谢了