Track DHL shipments international with your DHL tracking number, get real time updates and notification. Contact DHL Express and get REST API docs.
DHL is the global leader in the logistics industry. Specializing in international shipping, courier services and transportation.
DHL Hong Kong is the Hong Kong division of DHL, DHL Hong Kong has over 1,800 employees and provides domestic and international express delivery services by air, sea and road. It handles over 46 million shipments annually and operates an extensive network of gateways, warehouses, vehicles and ...
We have two divisions that offer reliable business shipping for e-Commerce, supplier or manufacturing clients from Germany.Jump To: DHL Express | DHL eCommerce | Deutsche Post DHL Express Fast, Door-to-Door, Courier Delivered Expedited Shipping 1+ working days International Delivery Delivery ...
Division: Post & Parcel Germany, Parcel Best for: With the DHL shipment tracking API pivate and business customers can query the shipment status and history of shipments at any time.Region: Germany Used for: Tracking Overview You are on the documentation page of the DHL Parcel DE Shi...
Tracking times vary widely from country to country, but in general you should expect updates every 24-48 hours when using their Express service as long as there are no customs delays. How long does DHL International delivery take on average?
DHL Germany Tracking 查询电话:+49 (0) 180 5 345300-1 2014-06-13 19:21:00 The instruction data for this shipment have been provided by the sender to DHL electronically 2014-06-13 20:43:00 The international shipment has been processed in ...
(英语版) 德国DHL快递查询状态说明(英语版) 1、The shipment has been posted by the sender at the retail outlet 表示寄件人以电子包裹的方式通知DHL来取货; 2、The shipment has been picked up 表示你的包裹被德国DHL接收,开始进行运输了; 3、The international shipment has been processed in the parcel ...
International Shipment Tracking Know where your parcel is located, when it's scheduled for delivery and shorten your waiting time!