-NO 285 SEC 4 CHANG HSING ROAD LU CHU HSIANG TAO YUAN HSIEN TAO YUAN TAIWAN Tel:03-3121299 货件包装要求要求按规定包装 1.交寄货件包装要求: - 必须粘贴的标签:地址标签, 包裹正面的中间位置粘贴地址标签; - 包装要完好,不要易破损,尽量不要带无关标识; ...
Business: 1. China-Hong Kong Logistics Line; Taiwan Green Line, Small Three-way Line, Macao Line; 2, international express delivery DHL, FEDEX, UPS, TNT, etc.; fight the air + send package tax to the door service; 3, international air transport, shipping bulk cargo, the entire cabinet ...
Tel. +49 (0) 228-18 20 Press contact information: Contact form of the press office Supervisory Authority according to § 5 (1) No. 3 German Digital Services Act for mail transportation up to 1000 gram: Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen (B...
裡頭有一行紅字說明:Bitte geben Sie beim Versand nach Taiwan unbedingt “TAIWAN” (und nicht “CHINA”) als Bestimmungsland an! 要寄往台灣的包裹,請上頭清楚的寫明 TAIWAN而且不要寫上 CHINA,以免造成運送延遲。 這回是運送 2KG 重的包裹,價格為箱子(Karton) 1.99 歐元,單運費 15.89 歐元和保險追蹤碼 ...
DHL Rail Services in Deutschland Wir als DHL Freight, Domestic Dispatch Center Germany bieten Stellplatzkapazitäten für: Wechselbehälter (7,45/7,82m) Seecontainer (20/40“") Sattelauflieger (13,6m) auf folgenden innerdeutschen Linien als E+1-Hauptlauf an Linien, regelmäßige Ab...
DHL Asia Pacific & EEMEA Corporate Communications and Responsibility Belinda Tan Tel: +65-6771 3332 Fax: +65 6771 3322 Email:apeemeamediarelations@dhl.com http://www.dhl.com/en/press.html DHL-Thelogistics company for the world DHL is the global market leader in the logistics and transportati...
DHL Express has welcomed the arrival of its new Boeing 777F freighter at Singapore Changi Airport. The freighter, which sports a dual DHL-Singapore Airlines (SIA) livery, has a maximum capacity of 102 tons. SIA will operate it on routes to the United States of America via South Korea thric...
6、特别提示:周一至周六当天中午11:00前交我司机场中转仓可当日上网 7、不接收纺织品,冒牌货,周日、香港公众假日等不转运,12点前交货,当天DHL网上查询公司网站:.huandi.netDHL网站:.dhl 服务热线: 业务部温宇深:TEL:0755-25900073-810/13249822527FAX:0755-25900407 操作部粟小姐:TEL:0755-25900140-813FAX:0755...
1 DHL Global Forwarding, the leading international provider of air, sea and road freight services, and Ethiopian Airlines, the largest aviation group in Africa, have signed a new agreement to form a joint venture company – DHL-Ethiopian Airlines Logistics Services Ltd., to build the Leading Car...