ON DEMAND DELIVERY 定制化派送服务。 免费管理您的快件送达时间、地点和方式!可从多达六种便捷的派送选项中任选其一。 留在安全场所 授权我们在无需签名的情况下派送您的快件。 更改派送日期 选择符合您时间安排的派送日期。 委托邻居,物业或门卫 指定授权方代表您接收您的快件。
DHL EXPRESS ON DEMAND DELIVERY 定制化派送服务。 免费管理您的快件送达时间、地点和方式!可从多达六种便捷的派送选项中任选其一。 留在安全场所 授权我们在无需签名的情况下派送您的快件。 更改派送日期 选择符合您时间安排的派送日期。 委托邻居,物业或门卫 指定授权方代表您接收您的快件。 从服务点或速递箱自取 ...
Have your shipment delivered to your office, friend, or other address. Vacation Hold Postpone delivery by up to 30 days when you're away.Streamline your delivery experience Sign up for a FREE On Demand Delivery account to customize your notifications and delivery preferences. * GET NOTIFIED IN ...
DHL EXPRESS ON DEMAND DELIVERY You Decide. We Deliver. Manage when, where and how your shipment is delivered for free! Select from up to six convenient delivery options. Leave in safe place Authorize us to deliver your shipment without requiring a signature. Change Delivery Date Choose a delive...
注册免费的On Demand Delivery 帐户,自定义您的通知和派送首选项。* 通过多种渠道接收通知 电子邮箱 短信 推送(通过 DHL Express Mobile 移动应用程序) WeChat 选择接收哪些通知 所有通知 派送异常(例如不在家) 揽件 派送确认 派送中 设置您的首选派送选项 留在安全场所 从服务点或速递箱自取 委托邻居,物业...
ON DEMAND DELIVERY You Decide. We Deliver. Manage when, where and how your shipment is delivered for free! Select from up to six convenient delivery options. Select your country / territory Country name Continue FLEXIBLE DELIVERY OPTIONS
ON DEMAND DELIVERY 定制化派送服务。 免费管理您的快件送达时间、地点和方式!可从多达六种便捷的派送选项中任选其一。 留在安全场所 授权我们在无需签名的情况下派送您的快件。 更改派送日期 选择符合您时间安排的派送日期。 委托邻居,物业或门卫 指定授权方代表您接收您的快件。
ON DEMAND DELIVERY You Decide. We Deliver. Manage when, where and how your shipment is delivered for free! Select from up to six convenient delivery options. Select your country / territory Country name Continue FLEXIBLE DELIVERY OPTIONS
ON DEMAND DELIVERY 定制化派送服务。 免费管理您的快件送达时间、地点和方式!可从多达六种便捷的派送选项中任选其一。 留在安全场所 授权我们在无需签名的情况下派送您的快件。 更改派送日期 选择符合您时间安排的派送日期。 委托邻居,物业或门卫 指定授权方代表您接收您的快件。
FLEXIBLE DELIVERY OPTIONS DHL EXPRESS ON DEMAND DELIVERY You Decide. We Deliver. Manage when, where and how your shipment is delivered for free! Select from up to six convenient delivery options. Leave in safe place Authorize us to deliver your shipment without requiring a signature....