DHL is the global leader in the logistics industry. Specializing in international shipping, courier services and transportation.
Trova il DHL ServicePoint Trova il DHL ServicePoint più vicino e inizia subito a spedire DHL ServicePoint locator Spedisci online Visita il nostro sito webAccedi a MyDHL+. Prepara la spedizione Attraverso MyDHL+ puoi facilmente creare la tua spedizione in autonomia compilando tutte le ...
More convenient choice of shipping methods for your customers with Magento 2 Сustom Сheckout Fields. Allow your customers to order online and pick up products from a nearby store at a suitable day and time using Magento 2 Store Pickup with Locator extension. ...
一般来说,如果只关心时效,笔者都建议小伙伴们使用商业快递,毕竟商业快递的时效快,但一分钱一分货,时效快,那运费相比美国邮政肯定要贵一些,“用钱买时间”说的就是这个道理。 DHL作为商业快递,也是全球最大的物流公司之一,时效性一直是行业领军,对于DHL Express Worldwide线路,DHL官方更是表示在2个工作日内送达,如果...
DHL Parcel: Small fix for ServicePoint locator in checkout = 2.7.4 = DHL Paket: Add new preferred field label German translation = 2.7.3 = DHL Paket: Add "shipmentNumber" to Pickup API call DHL Paket: Add Warenpost label size - 100x70mm DHL Paket: Change preferred field labels DH...