(SSCC) also known as barcode number or license plate. This must be either a GS1 or ANSIFACT code. If your company has an own GS1/ANSIFACT account for this, you can provide your own SSCC codes to us in your booking request. If you do not have these, DHL Freight will generate them ...
After successful transport order/booking creation, you receive the unique shipment ID and license plates back in the response. Use the shipment ID for tracking and response data for creating your labels via the Print API. For additional information, please contact api4freight@dhl.com User Guide ...
0 k g # of Pieces Shipment Date: 2 0 1 4 - 0 7 - 0 8 Contents:THIS I S A TEST SHIPME NT FROM eMAILSH IP 4.0 UAT WAYBILL 56 9160 3304 License Plates of pieces in shipment JD013036538156302047 (J) JD01 3036 5381 5630 2047 Confirmation E-mail With Waybill Attachments STEP 3: -...
Import license (if applicable):Some goods require an import license to enter Belgium. Items such as certain chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and agricultural products may need special permits. It’s important to check with Belgian customs to determine whether your shipment requires an import license. Speci...
Type Stable Build Updated 16 February, 2025 Categories Extensions, Shipping & Fulfillment, Cross Border Fulfillment, Order Management (OMS), Warehouse Management System (WMS) Supported Browsers Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Edge, IE Documentation Reference Manuals License Type Custom License Policy...
DHL, DHL eCommerce, DHL Paket Germany, Shipping Requires at least: 4.6 Requires PHP: 5.6 Tested up to: 6.7 Stable tag: 3.7.7 Requires Plugins: woocommerce WC requires at least: 3.0 WC tested up to: 9.5 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0....
* Implemented license keys * Automatically update the plugin for a WordPress admin = 1.5.1 = Enhancement * Made compatible with Multi-Vendor Add-On = 1.5.0 = Enhancement * Added a filter for currency conversion rate = 1.4.9 = Bug Fixes * Fixed the random service code issue = 1.4.8 =...
LICENSE NAMESPACE README.Rmd README.md Supplement.md Supplement.rmd _pkgdown.yml dxpr.Rproj Breadcrumbs dxpr /man / dxCustom.Rd Latest commit ChunJuC Update argument description e4cb0fc· Apr 3, 2021 HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Code Blame 70 lines (57 loc) · 3.12 KB Raw...
It is permitted that the routing barcode is shown in one license plate barcode format (i.e. ASC MH10) while the identifier is shown in another license plate barcode format (i.e. GS1) FAQ on Service Points When we request available service points from the API, does the receiving address ...
It is permitted that the routing barcode is shown in one license plate barcode format (i.e. ASC MH10) while the identifier is shown in another license plate barcode format (i.e. GS1) FAQ on Service Points When we request available service points from the API, does the receiving address ...