the Service Centre or DHL partner will provide and handle the label for your shipment. Not only does this save you time from the processes of label printing, affixing, and handling, it also accelerates the overall shipping process.
Consent to data collection and transfer By clicking "Accept all", you agree that this website may use the technologies selected by you and also store and read data on your terminal device. These technologies enable individualised analyses of visits to and the use of our website in order to ...
新增MyDHL+「免列印託運標籤」的服務選項,提供個人用戶無須列印託運標籤和商業發票,就能透過QR Code輕鬆完成寄件。 免列印託運標籤的好處 DHL Express的免列印託運標籤,您可選擇交由DHL團隊為您的貨件列印標籤,加速寄件效率。您不需擔心紙張、墨水及其他耗材的浪費,同時為環保做出貢獻。此外,透過電子傳輸寄件...
5,打DHL LABEL单时将客户的商业注册号码及身份证件号码录入在地址栏内。 注:如提供不了收件人本人身份证件号码及商业注册号码,提供正本发票即可。 3.以下国家不接收邮箱地址(P O BOX) 4.接香港DHL通知,寄往叙 利亚的货件需提供安全声明信。请留意出货随货提供,避免因缺少相关资料造成不必要的延误或退件! "5....
Get It to DHL Once you’ve created a shipping label and selected a delivery service, your package is ready for hand over DHL! Find a drop off location Request a Pickup Find DHL Locations Schedule a Courier Pickup Cruise at 500+ Miles Per Hour ...
相关的趋势包括智能网联化(smartification)、智能标签(smartlabel)、可穿戴技术(wearablesensors)等。智能网联化在物流领域涉及实体资产的数字化管理、设备检测、预防性维护、历史数据分析等,并且和智慧城市等概念密切相关。 据分析,全世界互联互通的设备数量大约...
5打DHL LABEL单时将客户的商业注册号码及身份证件号码录入在地址栏内。 注:如提供不了收件人本人身份证件号码及商业注册号码,提供正本发票即可。 3.以下国家不接收邮箱地址(P O BOX) 4.接香港DHL通知,寄往叙利亚的货件需提供安全声明信。请留意出货随货提供,避免因缺少相关资料造成不必要的延误或退件!
You can turn on Signature option on a DHL eCommerce Label, using the Rates & Options action for that order.DHLeC only allow Signature for the following ship methods:DHLSmartMailParcel, DHLSmartMailParcelPlus, DHLSmartMailBoundPrintedMatter, FirstClass/PriorityMail, DHLParcelMetro...
If you need to apply other labels on your shipment, please avoid placing them on the same surface as the shipment label. Use a plastic self-adhesive clear window pouch to hold any loose documents that are required to be placed outside of the box. ...