Valuation Code (Optional):Section 66(2)(c) of the Customs Act determines that every importer shall indicate which Valuation Method is applicable to his/her goods by inserting in the field "Valuation Code" on the Customs declaration, after the letter "R" or "N" as required by Rule 66.03 t...
For importing prescriptions, it can be only done under an authorized importer with an import license from the Ministry of Public Health. If it is for personal use, then only a reasonable quantity is allowed with an affidavit letter to explain that the items are not for commercial use. Addi...
In the customs declaration, up to 99 goods items can now be transferred in the request. Correction of enum values of attribute “printFormat” of the objects “Document” and “GetManifestData”. 2.1.7 12.Oct.2023 The service „shipping confirmation” has been removed from the section “val...
This refers to a valid DHL Express account number who pays the transportation fees. Apart from these specific, AWB also encompasses information like the three-letter origin airport code, three-letter destination airport code, declared shipment value for customs, number of pieces, and any special in...
In the even that DGF France's Instructing Party mis-declare dangerous/hazardous cargo to be non- dangerous/non-hazardous cargo, all penalties, costs, consequences and liabilities of this mis-declaration will be passed on to the Instructing Party. ARTICLE 4 – DELIVERY Delivery s...
The consignee must provide anauthorisation letter from the country of production. Seeds To import seeds, an original quarantine certificate from the country of origin is required. If there are plant products, a label should be attached on the outside of the package to say that it’s a plant...