going to be the actual creation of the survey using Google Forms as well as form Ranger and the second part is going to be really the analysis the sending out of the emails and the automation of everything using mule and also copy down I hope you guys are ready because I am super ...
OfficeofAdolescentHealth.Ma'am,youmaybegin. EvelynKappeler:Thankyou. GoodafternoonandwelcometotheTechnicalAssistanceWebinarforthe TeenPregnancyPreventionReplicationofEvidence-basedProgramsFunding announcement. Beforewebegin,IhaveafewadministrativeissuesthatI'dliketocover. Pleasenotethatallparticipantsshouldbeabletohear...
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services today released a funding opportunity to award a total of $4 million to up to 10 organizations to increase access to high-quality substance use disorder (SUD) treatment for individuals ...
Published: Thursday, July 18th, 2024 @ 8:27 am By: Eastern NC NOW Staff NCDHHS Launches Comprehensive Workforce Plan to Address Direct Support Professional Shortage RALEIGH — The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services today released a multi-year Direct Supp...
Mónica I Pagán MottaApha
涵 抖音号 81154924686 关注 作品8 喜欢 三千往事随风逝,无风无月再无你。人生在世,最想要的,不过是: 现在已经是秋天啦、就不要在想夏天的事了,该黄的都黄了,该凉的 这一段时间太忙太累了😭、和闺蜜👭一起出去好好的放松一下自 结束了一天的疲惫,躺在床上的感觉真好,安静的玩着手机,很累却 #...
I am very concerned about maintaining my current life style without working. I was told that as long as I vote Democrat, I had nothing to worry about ... but now I worry. 296 total vote(s) What's your Opinion? Sec State Rubio Won’t Attend G20 Summit In South Africa, Cites ...