DivisionofExtramuralActivitiesSupport,OER NationalInstitutesofHealth 6705RockledgeDrive,Room2207,MSC7987 Bethesda,MD20892-7987(forregularorUSPostalServiceExpressmail) Bethesda,MD20817(forothercourier/expressmaildeliveryonly) PhoneNumber:(301)594-6584
"Direct Support Professionals play a critical role in helping individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities live lives of their choosing in their communities," said Kelly Crosbie, MSW, LCSW, Director of the NCDHHS Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilitie...
Raleigh, NC: Injury and Violence Prevention Branch, North Carolina Division of Public Health. http://www.injuryfreenc.ncdhhs.gov/About/ unintentionalpoisoningsReport.pdf. Published September 20, 2002. Accessed January 17, 2010.Sanford, C., 2002. Death...
NCDHHS' Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services is soliciting applications from substance use disorder providers to expand their services to offer clinically appropriate substance use disorder services for people...
NEW HAMPSHIRE CANCER REPORT 1999-2003New Hampshire Cancer Report 1999-2003New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health ServicesBureau of Disease Control and Health StatisticsJohn H. Lynch, GovernorHealth Statistics...
The EMS and Trauma Rules of the North Carolina Medical Care Commission [10A NCAC 13P] are an essential tool used jointly by the Division of Health Service Regulation (DHSR) and the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) industry for the statewide development, management, and oversight of comprehensive...