Five major landuse/landcover classes have been identified in Dhemaji district viz, dense forest, open forest/grassland, water bodies, sandbars and agricultural/built-up land. Among these five landuse/landcover classes agriculture/built-up areas share highest percentage to the total geographical area...
Pegu, RajeswarTamuli, Ajit KTeron, RobindraPegu, R.; Tamuli, A.K. & Teron, R. 2014b. Diversity of medicinal plants in Poba Reserved Forest, Dhemaji district, Assam, India. Pleione 8(2): 462 - 474.
The discharge phenomena of Jiadhal basin of Dhemaji District is very complex. The factors like rainfall, soil types, vegetation etc, with their varying characteristics, influence the volume of discharge. In this paper, an attempt is made to apply fuzzy rulebased model to predict and forecast ...
dharmachakra Dharmapuri Dharmendra dharna Dhaula Kuan Dhemaji Dhenkanal District Dhivehi dhokla dhol Dhola dholak Dhondo Keshav Karve dhoti dhow Dhemaji 在印地文中 英文-印地文字典 Dhemaji 翻译Dhemaji 加 धेमाजी जिला HeiNER-the-Heidelberg-Named-...
Dhemaji being one of the most underdeveloped districts in the state where there is no industry, the role of rural non-farm sector plays a critical role in income and employment generation in the district.Sailajananda Saikia
the official website of goalpara district administration, assam, india #11,086,993 Compare a tendência de classificação global de nos últimos 3 meses em relação à ou se aprofunde na classificação de em sua categoria ou paí...
L. Jinu and K. J. Chandra, "A study on ethnomedicinal uses of plants in Dhemaji district of Assam with special reference to reproductive health," International Research Journal of Phar- macy, vol. 4, pp. 261-263, 2013.Jinu L, Chandra KJ. A study on ethnomedicinal uses of plants in ...
Migration and employment in India: a study in dhemaji district of AssamJyotikona Chetia
The present study was undertaken to ascertain the socio-personal status of goat farmers in Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam. The study was conducted from November 2019 to January 2020 in Narayanpur block in Lakhimpur and Dhemaji block in Dhemaji district and respondents were selected due to...
To understand the seasonal flood event in Dhemaji district of Assam, this study has been carried out using geospatial technology. This study focuses on the seasonal trend of rainfall, accumulated surface water extent, transitions and seasonality, seasonal flood water extent and affected land use/land...