The study was conducted from November 2019 to January 2020 in Narayanpur block in Lakhimpur and Dhemaji block in Dhemaji district and respondents were selected due to large concentration of,goat farmers in the area. The villages and farmers were selected purposively after discussion with Block ...
Landuse/landcover analysis provides information about the land resource available in an area and also the use of land resource by human society. In this paper an attempt has been made to identify and to analyse the landuse/landcover status of Dhemaji district of Assam using remote sensing ...
The study showed that the damage was caused by rivers Gainadi and Jiadhal which affected 516 ha areas out of the total geographical area of 1047 ha. The affected soils were found low in fertility and moisture retention. The texture varied from sandy to loamy sand, Bulk density was high, ...
The Moridhal watershed, encompassing a 30,730 ha geographical area, is situated between 94掳52 E to 94掳69 E longitude and 27掳38 N to 27掳64 N latitude. Based on total variation in satellite data (Resourcesat-2, LISS-4), four distinct physiographic units of the watershed were delineated...
The total area of bank-erosion is 13.34 km2 from 1987 to 2017 and the total area of sediment-deposition is 14.59 km2 from 1987 to 2017. This paper evaluates how the shape, size and position of the Jiadhal River have changed from the years 1987 to 2017 using remo...
Dhemaji is situated between the 94°12'18'' E 95°41'32'' E longitudes 27°05'27'' N 27°57'16'' N latitudes, the district covers an area of 3237 is a basically plain area lying at an altitude of 104 m above the mean sea level. It is inhabited by large number of ...
Flood is a recurring natural event in Assam and Dhemaji district in particular. As per the flood hazard atlas of Assam prepared by the National Remote Sensing Centre of ISRO, Dhemaji is one of the worst flood-affected districts in the state with 46% of flood inundating land area. The ...
But water samples of the area fall under alert category with respect to Ni, Mn and Cr, as most of the analysed samples exceed and some are approaching the MPL of WHO. The Ni, Mn and Cr contamination of ground water in the study area needs proper attention.MRIDUL BURAGOHAIN...
In the present study, it has been found that about 20 species of plants belonging to 16 different families have been used traditionally by the people of the study area. It is concluded that even though the accessibility of the modern system of medicine for simple and complicated diseases is ...
Top priority should be given to frequent monitoring of the status of groundwater in the study area.Buragohain, MridulSarma, Hari PrasadBuragohain, M., Bhuyan, B., & Sarma, H. P. (2010) Seasonal variations of lead, arsenic, cadmium and aluminium contamination of groundwater in Dhemaji ...