牌号:Akulon S223-DH Dry 用途级别:注塑级 供应商信息 公司地址东莞市樟木头镇塑胶原料市场三期A223号统一社会信用代码91441900MAA4APWJ0A 组织机构代码588314798注册资本10万人民币 营业期限43976-10-18至无固定期限经营状态吊销 公司类型有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)成立日期2012-01-04 ...
DSM Akulon® F223-DH (Dry) Low/Medium Viscosity, Heat Stabilized Nylon 6 (North America) 物性表: DSM Akulon® F223-DH (Dry) Low/Medium Viscosity, Heat Stabilized Nylon 6 (North America)物性表及特性介绍,DSM Akulon® F223-DH (Dry) Low/Medium Viscosity, Heat Stabilized Nylon 6 (North...
dry thermostatControl temperature range: Room temperature +5℃~120℃ Four-module thermostatDH200-4 is a high-temperature dry thermostat controlled by a microcomputer. It uses high-purity aluminum material as a heat-conducting medium to replace traditional water bath devices. It has the ...
第二季 067 电电萌可喜欢刺激-上 2023-05-25 18:00:0906:198.1万 所属专辑:奇妙萌可第二季 | 萌可故事合集 | 公主故事 | 睡前故事【天马座动画】 6元开会员,免费听 购买| 79喜点 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 当前评论用户 小C聊教育 657...
Heating Dry BathTemperature control range: Room temperature +5℃ to 150℃.DH200-1 Heating Dry Bath is a microcomputer-controlled constant temperature metal bath device with high temperature control accuracy and good sample parallelism, which replaces traditional water bath devices. It can be widely ...
Akagi DH Dry GC8V 2'19''552 是在优酷播出的游戏高清视频,于2012-02-02 14:05:20上线。视频内容简介:Akagi DH Dry GC8V 2'19''552
Dry Nitrogen Blower Bead Bath DH-200 Temperature control range: room temperature +5℃ to 110℃ (with four modules covered) DH-200 dry bath incubator adopts microcomputer control and uses high-purity aluminum material as the conductive medium instead of traditional water bath devices. It has the ...
Lab Equipment Heating Dry Bath Incubator (DH300) Descriptions:DH300 is microprocessor controlled Dry Bath Incubator. Instead of traditional water bath device, the heat-conducting medium is high purity alumium. The exact desired temperature is easily set using the arrow keys on the sloped control...
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所属专辑:Drydh 猜你喜欢 2629 阿凡提的故事 by:小裘讲故事 13.4万 阿凡提的故事 by:新六角新悦读 122.3万 阿凡提的故事 by:雅言清清 1884 阿凡提的故事 by:梦幻_妤 21 阿凡提的故事 by:寞桃 26 阿凡提的故事 by:Zr麻麻 321万 阿凡提的故事 by:木棉朵之音 ...