So far so good - LWIP's TCPIP stack is attempting to send a request nicely, after initializing the chip on the hardware side, integrating it with the existing TCPIP adapter logic, and sending the appropriate events, as you can see in this really lengthy log: Code: Select all // ESP32...
报文类型中,dhcp-discovery、dhcp-request表示发向DHCP服务器的请求报文,dhcp-reply表示发向DHCP客户端的响应报文; 查看设备日志,可能存在以下告警: DEFD/6/CPCAR_DROP_MPU:Rate of packets to cpu exceeded the CPCAR limit on the MPU. (Protocol=DHCP……) ...
这里有详细描述,更详细的讲解,参考以下链接: ...
DHCP客户端第一次登陆时,由于没有IP,它会以UDP的67端口广播发送Discover(源0.0.0.0 目标,一秒内没有应答会以1,3,5,7,9+1-2000ms的延迟重发Discovery包,DHCP服务器收到请求后,以UDP的68端口发起offer包(源DHCP服务器IP 目标0.0.0.0, 包中包含IP,子网掩码,租期等信息 # Discover中包含Clien...
Server configuration enables the server to send network parameters to the client, client configuration determines how clients request network parameters, and relay agent configuration enables a relay agent to forward DHCP messages between clients and servers that are on different physical subnets....
DHCP DISCOVERY(Broadcast) packet contain i.p source address and i.p destination address with client MAC address. 2.DHCP OFFER(Unicast) send sample address,DHCP server i.p and other data to the client, sending unicast by using client mac address. 3.DHCP REQUEST(Broadca...
Stage 1: Discovery stage The newly connected DHCP client does not know the IP address of the DHCP server. To learn the IP address of the DHCP server, the DHCP client broadcasts a DHCPDISCOVER message with the destination IP address of to all devices on the same network segm...
The client may also use unicast to send DHCPINFORM messages to a known DHCP server. If the client receives no response to DHCP messages sent to the IP address of a known DHCP server, the DHCP client reverts to using the IP broadcast address. ...
因为DHCP Server对应于DHCP客户端是未知的,所以DHCP 客户端发出的DHCP Discovery报文是广播包,源地址为0.0.0.0,目的地址为255.255.255.255。网络上的所有支持TCP/IP的主机都会收到该 DHCP Discovery报文,但是只有DHCP Server会响应该报文。 如果网络中存在多个DHCP Server,则多个DHCP Server均会回复该DHCP Discovery报文...
When 50% of the lease duration has expired, the client sends a request to the DHCP server, asking to renew and extend the current lease. The client sends a request directly to the DHCP server and can re-send it up to 3 times, at 4 s, 8 s and 16 s respectively. ...