Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) has many configuration options that can be sent to clients when they request information from the DHCP server. You can use a lookup tool to see all of the DHCP options.
047 NetBIOS scope ID 051 Lease time 058 Renewal (T1) time value 059 Rebinding (T2) time value 060 Pre-Boot Execution (PXE) client 066 Boot server host name 067 Bootfile name 249 Classless static routesHow DHCP options are appliedThe...
using server option or configure scope option for DNS servers and DNS domain names? Thank you. All replies (3) Tuesday, July 16, 2013 2:54 PM ✅Answered Server options will make those changes to all scopes while Scope options will make changes to just that individual scope. I would say...
tftp-server AT_NSTRING Used to identify a TFTP server when the 'sname' field in the DHCP header has been used for DHCP options. See RFC 2132. 67 boot-file AT_NSTRING Used to identify a bootfile when the 'file' field in the DHCP header has been used ...
DHCP Options 属性号(Option id) 属性名 Length字段值(字节) 参考文档 0 Pad 1 RFC 2132 1 Subnet Mask 4 RFC 2132 2 Time Offset 4 RFC 2132 3 Router 4*N RFC 2132 4 Time Server 4*N RFC 2132 5 Name Server 4*N RFC 2132 6 Domain Name Server ...
options:可选选项,格式为“代码+长度+数据”。 了解了DHCP报文格式以后,下面根据Wireshar抓取的数据包介绍DHCP请求IP地址时的每种报文。 1、DHCP Discover报文 DHCP Discover报文数据包如图2所示。 图2 DHCP Discover报文 该数据包是客户端向服务器发送的DHCP Discover数据包。在图2中,由于当前客户端还没有IP地址,...
Options:可选参数字段。这个字段包含了终端的初始配置信息和网络配置信息,包括报文类型,有效租期,DNS服务器的IP地址等配置信息。这个字段的结构采用“CLV”结构,如图-4: 图-1 1.3 技术细节 DHCP统一使用两个IANA分配的端口作为BOOTP:服务器端使用67/udp,客户端使用68/udp。
打开“服务器管理器”(Server Manager)。 单击左侧导航栏中的“工具”(Tools),然后单击“DHCP”。 在“DHCP”窗口中,单击左侧导航栏中的“IPv4”。 在右侧窗格中,选择您要配置的DHCP范围(例如,至192.168.1.100)。 单击“动作”(Action)菜单,然后单击“新建范围”(New Scope)。
{range10.5.5.2610.5.5.30;option domain-name-servers ns1.internal.example.org;option domain-name"internal.example.org";option routers10.5.5.1;option broadcast-address10.5.5.31;default-lease-time600;max-lease-time7200;}# Hosts which require special configuration options can be listedin# host ...
Add-DhcpServerv6Scope [-ValidLifeTime <TimeSpan>] [-ComputerName <String>] [-Prefix] <IPAddress> [-Name] <String> [-Description <String>] [-State <String>] [-Preference <UInt16>] [-PreferredLifetime <TimeSpan>] [-T1 <TimeSpan>] [-T2 <TimeSpan>] [-PassThru] [-CimSession <CimSe...