Server group name DHCP服务器组名。 该参数可以通过命令dhcp relay server-select配置。 Server IP address [x] DHCP服务器组中的DHCP服务器IP地址。其中“x”是DHCP服务器索引号。 该参数可以通过命令dhcp-server配置。 Gateway address in use DHCP网关IP地址。 该参数可以通过命令gateway(DHCP服务器组视图)配置...
dhcp relay server-group 1 ip # irf mac-address persistent timer irf auto-update enable undo irf link-delay # domain default enable system # telnet server enable # mvrp global enable # password-recovery enable # vlan 1 # vlan 6 description VLAN 0006bangong # vlan 7 description...
If the DHCP request message passes through multiple DHCP relay agents before reaching the DHCP server, the value of this field is the IPv4 address of the first DHCP relay agent and remains unchanged. However, the value of the hops field increases by 1 each time the DHCP request message ...
This is performed by use of a DHCP Relay Agent. The Cisco router implementation of DHCP Relay is provided through interface-level ip helper commands Example Scenarios Scenario 1: Cisco Router Routing between DHCP Client and Server Networks As configured in this diagram, interface Ethernet1 forwards...
路由器無法知道DHCP廣播請求是否來自介面上配置的輔助IP網路上的裝置。作為解決方法,可以配置子介面配置(前提是連線到路由器的裝置支援dot1q標籤)來分隔兩個子網,以便這兩個子網都能正確獲得其對應的IP地址。 如果次要地址是首選方式,則還有另一種解決方法,即啟用全域性配置命令ip dhcp smart-relay。這有一個限制,...
Linux配置为DHCP,DHCP-Relay的心得 1 安装dhcp-server rpm 包与本机dhclient冲突,先升级 yum update dhclient, 然后再安装 yum installdhcp2配置网卡,fedora 下, system-config-network -d, 重启生效service network restart 3 安装好dhcpserver后,注意有2个dhcpd. ...
domain-name-servers 为客户端指明DNS服务器IP地址。 host-name 为客户端指定主机名称。 routers 为客户端设定默认网关。 broadcast-address 为客户端设定广播地址。 ntp-server 为客户端设定网络时间服务器IP地址。 time-offset 为客户端设定和格林威治时间的偏移时间,单位是秒。
Also included is configuring a DHCP relay agent and maintaining the DHCP server. Key Knowledge Areas: DHCP configuration files, terms and utilities Subnet and dynamically-allocated range setup Awareness of DHCPv6 and IPv6 Router Advertisements Terms and Utilities: dhcpd.conf dhcpd.leases DHCP Log ...
Software Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.2.1 (Catalyst 3650 Switches) - Configuring DHCP [Cisco Catalyst 3650 Series Switches]Cisco IOS XECisco IOS XE