dhcp option82 { circuit-id | remote-id } format user-defined text undo dhcp option82 { circuit-id | remote-id } format Parameters ParameterDescriptionValue circuit-id Specifies the circuit-ID in the Option 82 field. - remote-id Specifies the remote-ID in the Option 82 field. - ap-...
The dhcp option82 format command configures the format of the Option 82 field in DHCP messages sent from STAs. The undo dhcp option82 format command restores the default format of the Option 82 field in DHCP messages sent from STAs. By default, the format of the Option 82 field in DHCP mes...
这个选项被称为:DHCP relay agent information option(中继代理信息选项),选项号为82,故又称为option 82,相关标准文档为RFC3046。 Option 82是对DHCP选项的扩展应用。选项82只是一种应用扩展,是否携带选项82并不会影响DHCP原有的应用。另外还要看DHCP服务器是否支持选项82。不支持选项82的DHCP服务器接收到插入了选项8...
82中常用的sub-option1、sub-option2和sub-option5。 sub-option1 sub-option1是option82的一个子选项,为代理电路id(即circuitid)子项。子选项通常在dh cp中继设备上配置,定义了在传输报文的时候要携带dhcp客户端所连接交换机端口的vlan-id及二层端
[SwitchA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] dhcp-snooping information format normal [SwitchA-GigabitEthernet1/0/1] quit # 在端口 GigabitEthernet1/0/2 上配置 DHCP Snooping 支持 Option 82 功能,并配置 Option 82的填充方式为 Normal。 [SwitchA] interface gigabitethernet1/0/2 ...
option 82包含很多sub-option,本章中的option 82只支持sub-option 1、sub-option 2和sub-option 5。sub-option 1中定义了代理电路id(即circuit id),sub-option 2中定义了代理远程id(即 remote id),sub-option 5为链路选择(link selection)子项,该选项中包含了dhcp中继添加...
dhcp relay information circuit-id { bas [ sub-interface-vlan ] [ with-vxlan ] | string circuit-id | { normal | verbose [ node-identifier { mac | sysname | user-defined node-identifier } ] [ interface [ vlan-in-vlan ] ] } [ sub-interface-vlan ] [ format { ascii | hex } ] }...
dhcp relay information circuit-id { bas [ sub-interface-vlan ] [ with-vxlan ] | string circuit-id | { normal | verbose [ node-identifier { mac | sysname | user-defined node-identifier } ] [ interface ] } [ sub-interface-vlan ] [ format { ascii | hex } ] } 缺省情况下,Circuit ...
Choose a DCHP Option 82 remote ID field format from theDHCP Option 82 Remote ID field formatdrop-down list. As described earlier, the format defines the information that is sent to the DHCP server in Option 82. This example uses the AP-MAC option. Therefore, the AP radio MAC address will...
步驟12.驗證選項82(例如vpn選項)和中繼代理下的正確中繼IP地址。 LEAF-1-VPC# show ip dhcp relay DHCP relay service is enabled <<< Insertion of option 82 is enabled <<< Insertion of option 82 customize circuitid is disabled TLV format in CircuitId and RemoteId suboption...