问题一:DHCP Offer为何是单播?题主的DHCP Discovery 里设置了“BROADCAST flag = 0”,所以DHCP 服务...
问题一:DHCP Offer为何是单播?题主的DHCP Discovery 里设置了“BROADCAST flag = 0”,所以DHCP 服务...
The DHCP client broadcasts DHCPDISCOVER, DHCPREQUEST and DHCPINFORM messages, unless the client knows the address of a DHCP server. The client unicasts DHCPRELEASE messages to the server. Because the client is declining the use of the IP address supplied by the server, the client broadcasts D...
- Now local DHCP relay forwards a unicast DISCOVER packet to the DHCP server. When it receives the expected UNICAST OFFER response from DHCP server, it is supposed to change the bootp flag as broadcast and set the Broadcast IP as well in this OFFER packet. When this issue is present, the...
[BTRACE][2020/10/12 11:46:50][0][DHCPPRO][000c-2958-7ba7]:Broadcast packet within VLAN 12(pri:0) succeed! 广播发送OFFER成功。(单播发送OFFER时打印Unicast packet to interface100GE1/0/1within VLAN 12(pri:0) succeed。) [BTRACE][2020/10/12 11:46:50][0][DHCPPRO][000c-2958-7ba7]...
DHCP服务器接收到客户端的DHCP-DISCOVER报文后,根据IP地址分配的优先次序选出一个IP地址,与其他参数一起通过DHCP-OFFER报文发送给客户端。 (3) 选择阶段,即DHCP客户端选择IP地址的阶段。如果有多台DHCP服务器向该客户端发来DHCP-OFFER报文,客户端只接受第一个收到的DHCP-OFFER报文,然后以广播方式发送DHCP-REQUEST...
DHCP Client首次接入网络时,还没有获得过IP地址,也不知道DHCP Servcer的地址,因此只能采用广播方式。在DHCP Discover报文中有一个Flags标志位,决定服务端以单播或广播方式发送响应报文,一般是单播方式(Broadcast Flag=0)。 DHCP Offer。DHCP Server收到DHCP Discover报文后,选择一个可用地址,通过DHCP Offer单播报文发送...
unicasts DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK messages to the address in 'ciaddr'. If 'giaddr' is zero and 'ciaddr' is zero, and the broadcast bit is set, then the server broadcasts DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK messages to 0xffffffff. If the broadcast bit is not set and 'giaddr' is zero and 'ciaddr' ...
If so, the DHCP relay agent broadcasts the DHCPOFFER message to the DHCP client. If not, the DHCP relay agent unicasts the DHCPOFFER message to the DHCP client. Stage 3: Request stage The message exchange between the DHCP relay agent and client in this stage is the same as that ...
The DHCP request has a broadcast destination , the DHCP offer should have a unicast destination that should be Cisco device MAC address. The third party AP looks like to be able to propagate broadcast frames but to block unicast frames with a destination different from their own ...