定义: DHCP:Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol,动态主机配置协议,是一个用于局域网的网络协议,位于OSI模型的应用层,使用UDP协议工作,主要有两个用途: 用于内部网或网络服务供应商自动分配IP地址给用户 用于内部网管理员对所有电脑作中央管理 作用: 动态分配IP地址,过程自动化,终端无需一一手工配置,配置信息统一管理(...
The remote-id suboption encodes information about the remote host end of a circuit. Examples of what it might contain include caller ID information, username information, remote ATM address, cable modem ID, and similar things. In principal, the meaning is not well-specified, and it should gene...
ValueMeaning DHCP_FLAGS_OPTION_IS_VENDOR This flag should be set if the option is provided by a vendor. [in] OptionIDDHCP_OPTION_ID value that specifies the code for a specific DHCP option.[in] ClassNameUnicode string that specifies the DHCP class name of the option. This parameter is ...
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is used to dynamically assign Internet Protocol (IP) addresses to each host on your organization's network. In this DHCP meaning, a host can refer to any device that enables access to a network. Some examples include desktop computers and laptops, thin...
DHCP, meaning Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, is the mechanism for ensuring that devices can coexist on networks to which they're joined. In this article, we’ll define what DHCP is, how it functions, how to enable it on your computer, and provide examples for both ISP and router ...
typedef struct _DHCP_CLIENT_FILTER_STATUS_INFO { DHCP_IP_ADDRESS ClientIpAddress; DHCP_IP_MASK SubnetMask; DHCP_CLIENT_UID ClientHardwareAddress; LPWSTR ClientName; LPWSTR ClientComment; DATE_TIME ClientLeaseExpires; DHCP_HOST_INFO OwnerHost; BYTE bClientType; BYTE AddressState; Quarantine...
ServerIpAddress: The IP address/host name of the DHCP server. This parameter is unused. Flags: This is of type DWORD that specifies that the option definition is modified for a specific or default vendor class. 展開資料表 Value Meaning DHCP_FLAGS_OPTION_DEFAULT 0x00000000 Opt...
Value Meaning CLIENT_TYPE_DHCP 0x01 The IPv4 reservation is for a DHCPv4 client. CLIENT_TYPE_BOOTP 0x02 The IPv4 reservation is for a BOOTP client ([RFC2132]). CLIENT_TYPE_BOTH 0x03 The IPv4 reservation is for both kinds of clients. fOptionsPresent: This member is of type BYTE...
NAME “ClientPC” is send to the client as the hostname entry in the DHCP options. NAME=ClientPC This is supposed to be the name of the client machine. This entry doesn’t work with Windows clients, because they do not change the computer name. ...
delete lease [{LeaseIP | **\\**HostName | AllBadAddresses | AllRasServerAddresses}]Parameters**{LeaseIP | **\\HostName | AllBadAddresses | AllRasServerAddresses} Required. Specifies the IP address or the host name associated with the leased address. If AllBadAddresses is specified, all ...