DHCP发现(DISCOVER) client在物理子网上发送广播来寻找可用的服务器。网络管理员可以配置一个本地路由来转发DHCP包给另一个子网上的DHCP服务器。该client实现生成一个目的地址为255.255.255.255或者一个子网广播地址的UDP包。 客户也可以申请它使用的最后一个IP地址(在下面的例子里为192.168.1.100)。如果该客户所在的网...
DHCP_HOST_INFO structure that contains information on the DHCP server that assigned the IP address to the client.bClientTypeSpecifies the types of dynamic IP address service used by the client.Stækka töflu ValueMeaning CLIENT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED The client's dynamic IP address protocol is ...
Meaning CLIENT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED 0x00 A DHCPv4 client other than ones defined in this table. CLIENT_TYPE_DHCP 0x01 The DHCPv4 client supports the DHCPv4 protocol. CLIENT_TYPE_BOOTP 0x02 The DHCPv4 client supports the BOOTP protocol ([RFC2132]). ...
Value Meaning ADDRESS_TYPE_IANA 0x00000000 Indicates an IANA address. [RFC3315] ADDRESS_TYPE_IATA 0x00000001 Indicates an IATA address. [RFC3315]IAID: This is of type DWORD that specifies the interface identifier of the DHCPv6 client interface.Client...
Meaning NOQUARANTINE The DHCP client is compliant with the health policies defined by the administrator and has normal access to the network. RESTRICTEDACCESS The DHCP client is not compliant with the health policies defined by the administrator and is being quarantined with restricted access ...
The devices and IP addresses issued by the server or router are simply listed in this client list. Every device that has a wired or wireless connection to the network is included in this list. You won't have access to this list if DHCP is disabled. Additionally, devices that are not net...
FormatMeaning Italic Information that the user must supply Bold Elements that the user must type exactly as shown Ellipsis (...) Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line Between brackets ([]) Optional items Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|). Example:...
Reference [RFC2939] Note The Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) [RFC951] describes an IP/UDP bootstrap protocol (BOOTP) which allows a diskless client machine to discover its own IP address, the address of a server host, and the name of a ...
When an AP is set up in Local Mode, client DHCP traffic is centrally switched, meaning that the DHCP requests from clients are sent through a CAPWAP tunnel from the AP to the WLC, where they are then processed and forwarded accordingly. In this case, you hav...
This option is per-pool, meaning that if unknown clients are denied in the default range, another pool of IP addresses may be defined that allows clients instead. Can be set to one of the following values: Allow All Clients: This is the default behavior. The DHCPv6 server will answer requ...