吉隆坡Dharma Realm Guan Yin Sagely Monastery Canteen味道怎么样?值得去吗?Dharma Realm Guan Yin ...
It teaches us about the path of the Bodhisattva and bids us to spread the message of Kuan Yin’s transmuting powers of mercy and compassion to the world.) Wo Xiang Anu Guan Yin Kou Tou (WHA CHIANG AH-NOO GWAN YIN KOE TOE) (3x) OM 21阿摩提觀音 無畏觀音阿摩提 毘沙門天威神力 顧盼微...
Yet the translation of sacred Buddhist music to the West is not entirely smooth sailing. At Gold Mountain Monastery in San Francisco, where I left home and trained as a Novice, when chanting, everybody followed the an earlier generation of Western monks and nuns from the Dharma Realm Buddhist...
flowers, gems, garlands, banners, parasols, and cushions¡ªdisplayed before the Buddha, multifariously adorning him, and the marvelously scented water is used to bathe his noble form, the dark smoke of the burning incense will carry your mind to the Dharma realm. ...
. Bodhicitta is the power of vows made out of great compassion by those living beings who learn Buddhism in any of the six realms of reincarnation within the three spheres of the universe as well as the power of vows made out of great compassion by all holy beings in the dharma realm. ...
网络释义 1. 法会 地藏七常用词汇中译英_dizang7_新浪博客 ... 饿鬼 Hungry ghost法会Dharma assembly法界 Dharma Realm ... blog.sina.com.cn|基于49个网页 2. 法筵 Digital Dictionary of Buddhism:... ... dharma 駄摩dharma assembly法筵Dharma Assembly of the Hundred Seats 百高座 ... ...
“In giving food, one gives five things to the recipients: one gives life, beauty, happiness, strength, and mental clarity. In giving these five things, one in turn partakes of life, beauty, happiness, strength, and mental clarity, whether in this world or in the heavenly realm.” ...
(the realm of) maras (evil demons) and heretics. Therefore, we know that observance of the rules of discipline is very important. A man observing them is supported and protected by dragon-kings and devas, and respected and feared by maras and heretics. A man breaking the rules of ...
bright light pervades the whole Dharma realm to destroy the darkness (of ignorance) thereby dazzling evil beings such as yakùa, rakùa, kuübhàõóa, pisàcã, påtana, etc., who cannot see them when meeting them. 7. .When hearing is reversed so that sound vanishes ...
As I think of this Buddha, He comes from nowhere and I am going nowhere. As I think of the desire realm, the form realm, and the formless realm, thesethree realmsare formed by my mind. I can see what I think of. The mind forms a Buddha for itself to see; the mind is the Budd...