Dhaka Structure Plan (2016–2035). Dhaka, Bangladesh: Author:Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha Kartripakkha; Retrieved from https://www.rajukdhaka.gov.bd/rajuk/image/slideshow/1.%20Draft%20Dhaka%20Structure%20Plan%20Report. Google Scholar Cited by (103) Predicting the impacts of land use/land ...
Consolidating all findings, a plausible structure for PM was proposed, wherein a metallic core is encapsulated by an organic shell. This study contributes to understand the composition and mechanism for the formation of PM, shedding light on the complex nature of urban air pollution. Graphical ...
Chaudhuri RS, Chaudhri AR (2001) Plate tectonics and sedimentation model of the cenozoic sediments of western and central Himalaya. In: Gupta LN, Ravinder K, Gill GS (Eds.), Structure and Tectonics of the Indian Plate. Bull Indian Geol Assoc 34: 127–138. Clarke L, Quine T, Nicholas A ...
historical records indicate Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, has a high earthquake risk (Paul and Bhuiyan2010; Steckler et al.2016; Rahman2019; Bhuiya and Shao2022). Recent earthquakes in Dhaka have been both teleseismic (remote) and local; however, there is limited documentation of historical...
When stratified by the indicator of strikes, the cumulative effect of temperature remained significant among adults at 7.21% (95% CI 3.03 to 11.56) in the absence of strikes (Table 3). This effect was observed among adult males with a lag structure lasting for about a week (Figure S2). ...
RAJUK. Dhaka Structure Plan 2016–2035; Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha: Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2015. 31. Mridha, A.M.M.H.; Moore, G.T. The Quality of Life in Dhaka, Bangladesh: Neighborhood Quality as a Major Component of Residential Satisfaction. In Investigating Quality of Urban Life: Theory...
Other datasets, such as the administrative boundaries in the study area, road networks and water bodies were retrieved from the Detailed Area Plan-2016 for the Greater Dhaka. 2.3. Analyzing the Spatial Process of Brickfields This study used both first-order and second-order geostatistical techniques...
Although the need for reforming the water price with cost recovery has been underscored in many water-related policies of Bangladesh [105,106,107,108,109], only the DWASA has proposed in its water supply master plan for the Dhaka city, for the first time, an IBT structure to deal with ...
A more comprehensive study with prospective methods should be considered as part of any plan to improve the HRQoL among migrants dwelling in urban slum areas. To note, there is no standard SF-12 cutoff for urban poor people in LMICs. Thus, research about the psychometric characteristics along ...
The primary model for ISO is the PDCA- Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. (1) The fundamental main push to receive the ISO 14001 standard was observed to be To what extent ISO 14001 certified organizations had really incorporated the necessities of the standard into their day-by-day exercises and to...