Figure 1. Comparing transformation efficiencies of DH5α competentE. coliwith NEB 5-alpha 5α and Zymo 5a in similar product configurations.Transformation efficiency was measured by performing triplicate transformations, using 10 pg pUC19 DNA, according to manufacturer’s reco...
it has to be competent. Bacteria can be naturally competent or made competent by artificial methods. The factors that regulate natural competence vary between various genera. The practical approach to acquire competent cells is to make the bacterial cells artificially competent...
DH5α Competent Cells,该菌株是一种常用于质粒克隆的菌株,E.coli DH5a在使用pUC系列质粒载体转化时,可与载体编码的β-半乳糖苷酶氨基端实现α-互补.可用于蓝白斑筛选鉴别重组菌株 应用 该菌株是一种常用于质粒克隆的菌株,E.coli DH5α在使用pUC系列质粒载体转化时,可与载体编码的β-半乳糖苷酶氨基端实现α-互...
Transformation efficiency was measured by performing triplicate transformations, using 10 pg pUC19 DNA, according to manufacturer’s recommended protocol. Each transformation was plated in duplicate. For information on genotypes, check out genotypes and genetic markers of E. coli...
5αCompetentCells,preparedbyHanahan'smethodmodi edbyTakara Bio,isahostfortransformation.ItcanbeusedforBlue/Whitescreeningutilizingthe activityofβ-galactosidase(α-complementation)incombinationuseofpUCvec- tors.Asthisstraindoesnotcarrylacl q ,basicallyIPTGisnotneeded.Therefore,E.coli DH5αCompetentCells...
Subcloning Efficiency™ DH5a™ Competent CellsCorporation, InvitrogenInvitrogen Corporation
英文名称:DH5A competent cells (chemical transformation or heat shock method) 英文同义词:DH5A competent cells (chemical transformation or heat shock method) CAS号: 分子式: 分子量:0 EINECS号: 信息错误报告 您的Email: 按国家浏览DH5A competent cells (chemical transformation or heat shock method)国外供应...
DH5A Competent Cells (CB101) 英文别名: 中文名: DH5A 感受态细胞(CB101) 中文别名: DH5A 感受态细胞(CB101) CBNumber: CB55769004 分子式: 分子量: 0 MOL File: Mol file 化学性质安全信息用途供应商2 DH5A 感受态细胞(CB101)化学性质 安全信息
MAX Efficiency DH5a Competent CellsCustomers, EuropeanDirective, E CEfficiency, M A XCells, Competent
Transformation efficiency was measured by performing triplicate transformations, using 10 pg pUC19 DNA, according to manufacturer’s recommended protocol. Each transformation was plated in duplicate. For information on genotypes, check out genotypes and genetic markers of E. coli...