DGN(DesignFile)是BentleySystems开发的一种专有的设计文件格式,用于存储2D和3D设计数 据。DGN文件可以包含几何图形、属性数据、元数据和参考信息,是MicroStation和基于 MicroStation的软件(如PowerDraft)的主要文件格式。 2.DGN文件结构文件结构 DGN文件由多个部分组成,包括: •元素(元素(Elements)):这是DGN文件中的...
DGN (DGN) DGN (also RDL) is a file format common to Intergraph's MicroStation and Interactive Graphics Design System (IGDS) CAD applications running on Intergraph workstations and PCs.
Supported file versions: DGN: Support for all versions. Features: Viewer: 1.Operation smoothly for DGN files: For general operations, such as Zoom In, Zoom Out and Zoom Actual, it will respond quickly to your actions, no waste of time. 2.Drag to move: You can drag the drawing through ...
Supported file versions: DGN: Support for all versions. Features: Viewer: 1.Operation smoothly for DGN files: For general operations, such as Zoom In, Zoom Out and Zoom Actual, it will respond quickly to your actions, no waste of time. ...
(WMZ) File Formats: Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) File Formats: Corel Presentation Exchange Format (CMX) File Formats: CSV file format (CSV) File Formats: DGN (DGN) File Formats: DICOM Format (DIC) File Formats: Dr Halo (CUT) File Formats: DRaWing (DRW) File Formats: Drawing ...
To import a .dgn file to a .dwg file: Load the DGN import TX module. Create an importer instance. Set the host application services object (to create a new database, etc.). Set import parameter values. Set the path to be imported. Do the importing (call the import() method of the...
Supported file versions: DGN: Support for all versions. Features: Viewer: 1.Operation smoothly for DGN files: For general operations, such as Zoom In, Zoom Out and Zoom Actual, it will respond quickly to your actions, no waste of time. ...
You can attach DGN drawing files (DesiGN files) as Underlays. The files are linked as references to the current drawing. In DGN files, a drawing can be separated into Design Models which are individual workspaces where design geometry is defined. When you attach a DGN file which contains ...
问题: 用户指出,尝试将 DGN 文件输入 AutoCAD 时: 似乎什么也没发生。 AutoCAD 可能会冻结。 以下错误消息可能会显示,也可能不会显示: 您选择了不支持的 DGN 文件。 仅支持 V7 和 V8 DGN 文件。 AutoCAD 消息 - 内部错误 因此,不会导入任何几何体,也不会导入不完整的