apply_nodes 方法 copy_u以及copy_e dgl库之高级用法dgl.DGLGraph.update_all dgl.function.copy_u dgl.function.sum update_all 回到顶部 dgl创建一个图 #创建一个dglg = dgl.DGLGraph()#该dgl图一共有6个点g.add_nodes(6)#添加边[0,1],[0,2]是有向边。这里一共添加了5条边g.add_edges([0, ...
In DGL, you can add features for all nodes at once, using a feature tensor that batches node features along the first dimension. The code below adds the one-hot feature for all nodes: 联合边和节点信息做图训练。对于整个节点分类的例子,将每个节点的特征转化成one-hot向量:节点变为[0,…,1,…...
g4.add_nodes(10)#添加节点数量 该方法第二个参数是添加每个节点的特征。## 加入边foriinrange(1,5):#一条条边添加g4.add_edge(i,0) src= list(range(5,8));dst = [0]*3#使用list批量添加g4.add_edges(src, dst) src= torch.tensor([8,9]);dst = torch.tensor([0,0])#使用list批量添...
g4.add_nodes(10)#添加节点数量 该方法第二个参数是添加每个节点的特征。## 加入边foriinrange(1,5):#一条条边添加g4.add_edge(i,0) src= list(range(5,8));dst = [0]*3#使用list批量添加g4.add_edges(src, dst) src= torch.tensor([8,9]);dst = torch.tensor([0,0])#使用list批量添...
# add 34 nodes into the graph; nodes are labeled from 0~33 g.add_nodes(34) # all 78 edges as a list of tuples edge_list=[ (1,0), (2,0), (2,1), (3,0), (3,1), (3,2), (4,0), (5,0), (6,0), (6,4), (6,5), (7,0), (7,1), ...
add_node(1) # add one node at a time G.add_nodes_from([2, 3]) # add nodes from list # 构图 - 增加边 G.add_edge(1, 2) # add one edge at a time G.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (1, 3)]) # add a list of edges # 清图 G.clear() # 删除节点 G.remove_node(2) # ...
g.add_nodes(n_atoms) bond_src = [] bond_dst = [] for i, bond in enumerate(mol.GetBonds()): a1 = bond.GetBeginAtom() a2 = bond.GetEndAtom() begin_idx = a1.GetIdx() end_idx = a2.GetIdx() bond_src.append(begin_idx) bond_dst.append(end_idx) bond_src.append(end_idx) ...
图卷积网络 Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) 告诉我们将局部的图结构和节点特征结合可以在节点分类任务...
# add 34 nodes into the graph; nodes are labeled from 0~33 g.add_nodes(34) 添加边: 边缘在DGL是有方向的,让边具有双向性 # add edges two lists of nodes: src and dst src, dst = tuple(zip(*edge_list)) g.add_edges(src, dst) # edges are directional in DGL; make them bi-directio...