另一方面,集成式充电系统在PFC控制中所需的并非电网相位值而是其正弦或余弦值[34-35],因此,文献[35]提出了一种基于二阶广义积分器(Second- Order Generalized Integrator, SOGI)的PFC控制方法。SOGI被广泛应用于单相PLL电路中,其主要功能为依据输入正余弦信号产生两个相互正交的正余弦信号且同相位,其控制框图如图19...
AbstractParameters drift in wireless power transfer system often affects the charging efficiency and transmission power of the system. A joint parameter online identification method for resonant wireless power transfer systems was proposed in this paper. First, the circuit equations were established based ...
Fig.5 The second regulation rule of outer stator 图6 外定子调整规律3 Fig.6 The third regulation rule of outer stator 可见,方式1得到的调整规律1对各阶的相对影响较大,并且变化规律相同。方式2和方式3在初始值以上与以下范围调整变化规律则不同。方式2在初始值以下调整对2阶固有频率影响最大,4阶次之,...
[15] Aljehaimi A M, Pillay P. Novel flux linkage esti- mation algorithm for a variable flux PMSM[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2018, 54(3): 2319-2335. [16] Xu Wei, Jiang Yajie, Mu Chaoxu, et al. Improved nonlinear flux observer-based second-order SOIFO for PMSM...
Dong-Ye Yanlan, Yang Shuying, Wang Qishuai, el al. Enhanced extended state observer based second order terminal sliding mode current control for permanent magnet synchronous machine with low chattering and improved disturbance rejection[J]. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2024, 39(8):...
为电机初级Halbach 阵列在次级导体板表面产生的法向磁场。只要得到上述磁场分布函数,综合式(9)~式(13)5 个方程,即可求得SOVP(second-order vector potential)的唯一解。 3 初级Halbach 阵列的三维磁场解析计算 轴向磁通Halbach 阵列其磁场分布具有典型的三维特性。为了求解轴向磁通Halbach 转子的空间磁场,本文以安培分...
In the recovery process, the first stage is the emergency response for load power supply restoration. By increasing the output power of power sources, optimizing the DN topological structure and the location of MESSs, most critical loads can be restored. The purpose of the second stage is to ...
与传统控制方案中直接对系统状态误差设计高阶终端滑模面并对其进行分析[25-26]不同,本文将一阶积分快速滑模面嵌套在二阶非奇异终端滑模面中,设计了一种二阶终端滑模控制(Second Order Terminal Sliding Mode Control, SOTSMC)方案。不但保留了高阶终端滑模控制对抖振抑制能力的优越特性,而且通过调节一阶积分快速滑模...
[19] Wang Zheming, Xu Hongyun, Zhou You, et al. Numerical modeling of positive streamer propagation in alternative natural ester and traditional naphthenic oil under sub-microsecond pulsed voltages[J]. Journal of Physics D Applied Physics, 2023, 56(34): 344004. ...
[6] Huang Xinze, Ruan Xinbo, Fang Jie, et al. A virtual impedance based control scheme for modular elec- trolytic capacitor-less second harmonic current com- pensator[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Elec- tronics, 2021, 68(1): 198-209. ...