dGDP Diploma in General Dental Practice (UK) dGDP Directorate General of Defense Purchase (Bangladesh) dGDP Director, Graduate Degree Programs (US DoD) dGDP Dairy Goat Development Programme (Farm-Africa) Copyright 1988-2018 AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved. Suggest new definitionWant...
60 孟加拉国Bangladesh 113,032(9.2万亿塔卡) 人均701美元 2011年人均名义国内生产总值(GDP)榜首是卢森堡的114081美元。美国为48043,列第12位。韩国为22424美元,列第25位。未加入OECD的中国为5445美元。 2011年日本人均名义较上年下降2.3%,为368.1万日元。该数值换算成美元约合46192美元,因日元升值影响,已连续两年...
As a matter of fact, after 7 years of Feku's misrule, we now even fall behind Bangladesh in GDP per capita and the Global Hunger Index. As we all know, the problem we are facing is that Feku will continue to loot the comm...
#31省2018年GDP#醉人堪称BANGLADESHd?nerv?ne光祛斑哪好MOC3030 祛斑中心田旦奴凸立叮仝伏洪大爷哼了声:“你昨晚上喊个啥?没见过男人打老婆吗,你不打老婆?”我顿时无语,问他什么时候放我出去,洪大爷说什么时候有人[汽车]来找你治病,就什么时候放人。这时,从村口走进几个人,一个又矮又瘦,我认得他,就是...
63孟加拉Bangladesh83,040 64克罗地亚Croatia63,950 65苏丹Sudan62,190 66白俄罗斯Belarus57,680 67卢森堡Luxembourg57,610 68斯洛文尼亚Slovenia57,010 69阿曼Oman56,320 70古巴Cuba55,180 71Ecuador54,670 72Azerbaijan53,260 73Serbia52,180 74Bulgaria51,930 75Lithuania48,750 76Dominican Republic45,690 77Syria...
中国历年GDP-中国历年⼈均GDP 中国历年GDP-中国历年⼈均GDP (1978~2008)年份国内⽣产总值⼈均国内⽣产总值 (亿元) (元/⼈)1978 3645.2 381 1979 4062.6 419 1980 4545.6 463 1981 4891.6 492 1982 5323.4 528 1983 5962.7 583 1984 7208.1 695 1985 9016.0 858 1986 10275.2 ...
59 Angola 60 Vietnam 61 62 63 64 65 66 Morocco Iraq Bangladesh Croatia Sudan Belarus 67 68 69 70 71 Luxembourg Slovenia Oman Cuba Ecuador 57,610 57,010 56,320 55,180 54,670 53,260 52,180 51,930 48,750 45,690 44,490 42,160 41,770 36,280 33,900 31,420 30,380 28,820 ...
63 Bangladesh 83,040 64 Croatia 63,950 65 Sudan 62,190 66 Belarus 57,680 67 Luxembourg 57,610 68 Slovenia 57,010 69 Oman 56,320 70 Cuba 55,180 71 Ecuador 54,670 72 Azerbaijan 53,260 73 Serbia 52,180 74 Bulgaria 51,930 75 Lithuania 48,750 76 Dominican Republic 45,690 77 Syria ...
Energy Demand Modelling of Developing Economies Using MAED-2 with Sectoral Decomposition: Bangladesh Case Study Access to affordable, clean energy and its growing consumption have often been directly linked with socio-economic development. As one of the fastest devel... J Sieed,R Komiyama,Y Fujii ...