DGM-17016: failed to retrieve status for database "s2tlest" ORA-16664: unable to receive the result from a database这个时候借助oerr来看看错误信息$ oerr ora 16664 16664, 0000, "unable to receive the result from a database" // *Cause: During execution of a command, a database in the D...
关于dg broker的简单配置(r5笔记第99天) dataguard broker是在dataguard使用基础上提供的一个工具,可以把原本复杂的命令控制语句集成起来,比如switchover,failover等等,可能在多个备库的情况下需要敲不少的命令,这个dg broker的优越性就显示出来了。 当然dg broker需要启用还是需要预备一些条件的,比如需要设置local_list...
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clean_service dgiot_redis clean_service grafana-server clean_service go_fastdfs clean_service taosd clean_service dgiot_tdengine_mqtt clean_service prometheus clean_service pushgateway clean_service node_exporter clean_service postgres_exporter clean_service nginx } function clean_service...
The best and simplest free open source web page change detection, website watcher, restock monitor and notification service. Restock Monitor, change detection. Designed for simplicity - Simply monitor which websites had a text change for free. Free Open
SQL> alter system set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2='SERVICE=ora10gst LGWR ASYNC VALID_FOR=(ONLINE_LOGFILES,PRIMARY_ROLE) DB_UNIQUE_NAME=ora10gst' scope=both; SQL> alter system set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_1=ENABLE scope=both; SQL> alter system set LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_2=ENABLE scope=both; ...
As Glue Schema Registry is a fully managed service by AWS, there is no notion of schema registry URLs. Name of the registry (within the same AWS account) can be optionally configured using following options. If not specified, default-registry is used. key.converter.registry.name=my-registry ...
NVIDIA Enterprise Support (NVES) is your portal to NVIDIA DGXperts. Login Not a DGX Customer? Learn more about the relationship and service you can get. Talk To Us What Customers Are Saying About DGXperts From my experience, the experts at NVIDIA keep up with cutting-edge tools and metho...
NVIDIA Enterprise Support (NVES) is your portal to NVIDIA DGXperts. Login Not a DGX Customer? Learn more about the relationship and service you can get. Talk To Us What Customers Are Saying About DGXperts From my experience, the experts at NVIDIA keep up with cutting-edge tools and metho...
service_name选择的是dg的service_names参数的值,在主库备份后,自动scp到备库,进行restore;3.开启MRP进程,新建pdb的文件从recover=>online 这个场景新的pdb在主库未open!!! 2.3 场景三 主-备正常同步! 配置了datafile convert参数,针对所有主库已有cdb,pdb datafile\tempfile路径进行转换; ...