合理用药百科——消化不良 消化不良(Dyspepsia)是一种临床症候群,是由胃动力障碍所引起的疾病,也包括胃蠕动不好的胃轻瘫和食道反流病。消化不良4大病因,食品搭配不合理,胃动力障碍引起的疾病,胃轻瘫,精神因素。 消化不良主要分为功能性消化不良和器质性消化不良两类。功能性...
Nazarenko et al (2008) Evaluation of the effectiveness of Iberogast in preschool and young school-age children with gastric dyspepsia syndrome. Med Novosti 10:79–83 7. Shadrin et al (2012) Experience of the use of Iberogast in children with syntro- pic pathology of gastrointestinal tract. ...
Relationship between functional dyspepsia and duodenogastric reflux; 功能性消化不良与十二指肠胃反流关系的研究 3. Experimental study on the relationship between cell proliferation and apoptosis and the expression of the related gene in rats with duodenogastric reflux; 十二指肠胃反流对大鼠胃黏膜细胞增殖...
The benefit of these agents in managing chronic abdominal pain, nausea, dyspepsia, and altered bowel function is discussed. Case studies are provided. Dosages of the agents and potential side effects are discussed. In addition, a set of questions and answers to drive home salient clinical points...
功能性消化不良(functional dyspepsia,FD)是指一组源自上腹部、持续存在或反复发生的症候群。 老年人(年龄≥60岁)上消化道结构和功能存在生理性退化,是FD高危人群,胃的老化主要表现为胃排空延缓,尤其是液体食物和含脂类食物胃排空延迟,同...
dys- 不良,恶,困难 dyspepsia 消化不良 e- 1. 加强或引申意义 evaluate 评价 e- 2. 出,外 erupt 喷出 ef- 出,离去 efflux 流出 用在f前 electro- 有关电的 electrograph 电传电报 em- 1. 置...之内 embosom 藏于胸中,怀抱 用在b,m,p前 ...
痞满(功能性消化不良)中医诊疗方案 功能性消化不良一、概念及主要发病机制 1、定义 消化不良(dyspepsia)是指一组表现为上腹部疼痛或烧灼感、餐后上腹饱胀和早饱感的症候群,可伴食欲不振、嗳气、恶心或呕吐等消化不良症状,这些症状的产生与胃肠疾病有关,也可由胰、胆、肝脏疾病等引起。
关键词 功能性消化不良(FD) 功能性磁共振成像技术(fMRI) 正电子发射断层扫描(PET-CT) 针刺 中枢效应机制 functional dyspepsia(FD) functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) positron emission computed tomography-CT(PET-CT) acupuncture central effect mechanism 分类号 R246.1 [医药卫生—针灸推拿学] 登录...
摘要: 目的:对曲美布汀联合消化酶制剂治疗功能性消化不良(Functional dyspepsia,FD)的有效性和安全性进行系统评价.方法:通过中国知网(CNKI)、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)、维普、万方、Cochrane Library、PubMed、Embase等数据库检索曲美布汀合消化酶制剂治疗FD的随机对照试验... 查看全部>> ...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To obtain the subject new Helicobacter pylori lipid A having a specific chemical structure, low in toxicity, low in pyrogenicity, and useful for immunostimulators, infectious disease medicines, antitumor medicines, antiviral medicines, etc., as a new immunologically active subs...