2022年9月7日,十方融海推出针对数字技能学习的DGclass数字技能课程平台,这是继该公司此前发布自研的智慧教学系统——女娲云教室后的又一里程碑。 据了解,DGclass作为十方融海在线上数字技能培训领域的最新成果,依托于女娲云教室实现了线上数字技能学习的“教学练测评”闭环,开启了数字技能线上学习新时代。 数字产业...
2022年9月7日,十方融海推出针对数字技能学习的DGclass数字技能课程平台,这是继该公司此前发布自研的智慧教学系统——女娲云教室后的又一里程碑。 据了解,DGclass作为十方融海在线上数字技能培训领域的最新成果,依托于女娲云教室实现了线上数字技能学习的“教学练测评”闭环,开启了数字技能线上学习新时代。 数字产业...
Further, a suitable transformation of variables respecting this complex form of a payoff function reduces the problem to a two-dimensional equation belonging to the class of convection-diffusion problems and the discontinuous Galerkin (DG) method is applied to it in order to utilize its solving ...
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2”PVC管 Class C ---公称尺寸为2”3. 管厚的计算 t = P x D/ 2S + P 式中 t: 塑料管的管厚(wall thickness)P: 塑料管内最大工作压力 (max working pressure)D: 塑料管的外径 (exact outside diameter )S: 塑料管材料最大许可圆周应力 (allowable hoop stress)式中P , D ,S均...
FTP Wrapper Class for PHP 5 nette.org Topics php ftp Resources Readme License BSD-3-Clause license Activity Stars 205 stars Watchers 21 watching Forks 78 forks Report repository Releases 4 Released version 2.0 Latest Jul 17, 2023 + 3 releases Sponsor this project dg David Grud...
In conclusion, we present theA-DNA forming class of hexanucleotides, a new crystallographic system for studying DNA structure at near atomic resolution. 展开 关键词: X-ray crystallography DNA methylation DNA structure DOI: 10.1006/jmbi.1995.0336 被引量: 84 ...
importio.github.whitedg.mybatis.crypto.IEncryptor;publicclassMyEncryptorimplementsIEncryptor{@OverridepublicStringencrypt(Objectval2bEncrypted,Stringkey)throwsException{// Implement this method to return the encrypted datareturn"encrypted string"; }@OverridepublicStringdecrypt(Objectval2bDecrypted,Stringkey)thro...