dfsrmig /getmigrationstate 모든 할 일기본 컨트롤러의 로컬 마이그레이션 상태가 전역 마이그레이션 상태와 일치하는 경우 명령의 출력:복사 All Domain Controllers have migrated successfully to Global state (Prepared)...
dfsrmig [/setglobalstate <state> | /getglobalstate | /getmigrationstate | /createglobalobjects | /deleterontfrsmember [<read_only_domain_controller_name>] | /deleterodfsrmember [<read_only_domain_controller_name>] | /?] ParamètresDévelopper...
DFSRMIG.EXE /CREATEGLOBALOBJECTS 允许AD 和 SYSVOL 复制在所有 DC 上聚合。 在 PDCE 上,运行: 控制台 复制 DFSRDIAG.EXE POLLAD DFSRMIG.EXE /GETMIGRATIONSTATE 验证某些或所有 DC 是否已达到“准备”状态,并准备好重定向。 此时,可以正常继续进行迁移。 请参阅下面的“详细信息”部分。场景...
Log Name: DFS Replication Source: DFSR Date: <DateTime> Event ID: 8028 Task Category: None Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: 2008r2-mig-01.cohowinery.com Description: DFSR Migration was unable to transition to the 'PREPARED' state for Domain Controller 2008R2-MIG-01...
该DFSRMIG.EXE /GetMigrationState命令为所有 Windows Server 2019 域控制器生成以下输出: Dfsrmig /getmigrationstate 以下域控制器尚未达到全局状态(“Prepared”): 域控制器 (本地迁移状态) - DC 类型=== <计算机名称>(“Start”) - 可写 DC 迁移尚未在所有域控制器上达到一致状态...
Log Name: DFS Replication Source: DFSR Date: <DateTime> Event ID: 8028 Task Category: None Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: 2008r2-mig-01.cohowinery.com Description: DFSR Migration was unable to transition to the 'PREPARED' state for Domain Controller 2008R2...
没有Ultrasound,参考以下链接,使用FRSDIAG工具检查FRS复制https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/askds/2008/05/22/verifying-file-replication-during-the-windows-server-2008-dfsr-sysvol-migration-down-and-dirty-style/ 4)在迁移的域的一个控制器上(建议在PDC上)执行repadmin /ReplSum命令验证活动目录复制运行正常...
State Migration Process for SYSVOL Replication Start (State 0) 在SYSVOL迁移前,FRS复制SYSVOL共享文件夹 Prepared (State 1) FRS继续复制域使用的SYSVOL共享文件夹,而DFS复制则复制SYSVOL文件夹的副本。SYSVOL文件夹的此副本不用于服务来自其他域控制器的请求。 Redirected (State 2) SYSVOL文件夹的DFS复制副本将负责...
Migration has not yet reached a consistent state on all domain controllers. State information might be stale due to Active Directory Domain Services latency. Since this isn't a real domain controller, it's not participating in FRS or DFSR SYSVOL replication. It does...
dfsrmig [/SetGlobalState <state> | /GetGlobalState | /GetMigrationState | /CreateGlobalObjects | /DeleteRoNtfrsMember [<read_only_domain_controller_name>] | /DeleteRoDfsrMember [<read_only_domain_controller_name>] | /?] Parameters