During Operation: When operating on a DFS channel, 5GHZ devices with DFS function enabled will monitor the operating channel for radar signals continuously. If radar signals are detected on the current operating channel, the devices will also abdicate that channel and choose an alternative channel. ...
If 5GHZ devices with DFS function enabled choose a DFS channel before operation, the devices will detect radar signals for a period of time (about 1 or 10 minutes). And if radar signals are detected on current channel, the devices will vacate that channel and switch to another channel. Duri...
During Operation: When operating on a DFS channel, 5GHZ devices with DFS function enabled will monitor the operating channel for radar signals continuously. If radar signals are detected on the current operating channel, the devices will also abdicate that channel and choose an alternative channel. ...
If 5GHZ devices with DFS function enabled choose a DFS channel before operation, the devices will detect radar signals for a period of time (about 1 or 10 minutes). And if radar signals are detected on current channel, the devices will vacate that channel and switch to another channel. Duri...
To learn more about DFS, you can refer toBrief introduction of DFS function | TP-Link
_file_size=64 MB, trunk_create_file_advance=0, trunk_create_file_time_base=02:00, trunk_create_file_interval=86400, trunk_create_file_space_threshold=20 GB, trunk_init_check_occupying=0, trunk_init_reload_from_binlog=0, trunk_compress_binlog_min_interval=0, store_slave_file_use_link=...
以TP-Link TL-R400+小型路由器为例。从被绑定MAC地址的计算机上进入路由器的Web设置页面后,在主菜单的“基本设置”下选择“初步设置”,在“广域网接口类型”栏中点击“修改”按钮,接着选择“动态IP”。 保存之后,返回“初步设置”页面,在“广域网MAC地址”栏的选项之后有一个文本框,其中的内容便是本机的MAC...
store_slave_file_use_link=0 [2020-05-20 13:42:09] INFO - file: storage_func.c, line: 254, tracker_client_ip:, my_server_id_str:, g_server_id_in_filename: 1733929152 [2020-05-20 13:42:09] INFO - local_host_ip_count: 3, 19...
http_secure_link_module --with-http_degradation_module --with-http_slice_module --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_perl_module=dynamic --with-http_auth_request_module --with-mail=dynamic --with-mail_ssl_module --with-pcre --with-pcre-jit --with-stream=dynamic --with-stream_...
在執行「檔案選取及格式化列印」公用程式期間,會載入「PI 追蹤記錄格式及列印」模組,且必須位於 LINKLIB 或 JOBLIB 或 STEPLIB 資料集中。 輸出 下圖是 DFSERA40的範例輸出。 欄位間距會變更。 DATE: 05/11/10 MODULE PST TIME (*=ET) CALLR ACT LEV WC WFC SEQN FDBK RC PC ID= (RBA D...