mount_point_domain- The domain name of the Mount Point. mount_point_id- The ID of the Mount Point. network_type- The network type of the Mount Point. Valid values:VPC. status- The status of the Mount Point. Valid values:Active,Inactive. vpc_id- The ID of the VPC network. vswitch_i...
mountpoints that do not begin with '\labPerf' or '\labE2E' because they are not DFS-managed mountpoints in our environment), that are cross-site (e.g. \labPerf.local\olm\sites\B07), or are filetrees. Filetrees are defined with only one namespace server per mountpoint, so ...
status- (Optional, Computed) Mount point status. Value: Inactive: Disable mount points Active: Activate the mount point. vswitch_id- (Required, ForceNew) VSwitch ID, which specifies the VSwitch resource used to create the mount point. vpc_id- (Required, ForceNew) The ID of the VPC. Specif...
使用FUSE-DFS Mount HDFS 原文引自: 介绍 Hadooop源码中自带了contrib/fuse-dfs模块,用于实现通过libhdfs和fuse将HDFS mount到*inux的本地。 编译 环境 Linux: 2.6.18-164.el5 x86_64 JDK: 1.6.0_23 64bit Hadoop: 0.19.1 下面假设源码目录...
挂载文件系统dfs_mount 2.1 dfs_init /* components/dfs/src/dfs.c *//*** this function will initialize device file system.*/intdfs_init(void){staticrt_bool_tinit_ok=RT_FALSE;if(init_ok){rt_kprintf("dfs already init.\n");return0;}/* clear filesystem operations table */memset((void*...
int dfs_mount(const char device_name,const char path,const char filesystemtype,unsigned long rwflag,const void data) 根据设备名,把该设备挂载到指定路径。filesystemtype指定具体的文件系统类型,以使用具体的操作接口。rwflag为文件系统的读写属性,data为传的参数,是否有实际意义要看具体的文件系统操作...
NFS与AFS都是分布式的C/S文件系统。NFS的实质在于用户间计算机的共享。用户通过NFS客户端接入网络,可以访问同一网络中其它计算机系统的硬盘(该计算机为NFS服务端)。NFS客户端可以mount远端文件系统的部分或全部到本地,访问这些文件系 df nfs卡主 分布式文件系统...
mount [-t 文件系统] [-L label名] [-o 额外选项] [-n] 装置文件名 挂载点 例如: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 磁盘卸载命令umont语法: umont [-fn] 装置文件名或挂载点 -f : 强制写出,用于类似网络文件系统(NFS)无法读取到的情况下 ...
MOUNTWAITTIME: Specifying the time DFSMShsm waits for a tape mount and open OBJECTNAMES: Specifying the compaction-control qualifier of the object data set ONDEMANDMIGRATION: Specifying whether on-demand migration should be performed ODMNOTIFICATIONLIMIT: Specifying an on-demand migration number ...