PWM converter control method ofPURPOSE: To reduce the equivalent disturbance current by restraining a main transformer from being divided in order to reduce the harmonics and to reduce the weight of a vehicle-mounted power supply by reducing the weight of the main transformer and decreasing the ...
The usage of the snubber net made of diodes and capacitances in the zero voltage switch full bridge(ZVS FB)converter can not only decrease the parasitic resonance in the rectified voltage of the transfotmer secondary,but also obtain zero current switch(ZCS) in the lag leg.In addition,this to...
The control of the grid-side PWM converter in theback-to-back PWM converterhas been investigated in the paper. 在双PWM变换器的网侧PWM变换器的研究中,提出了定向矢量控制方案,并进行仿真验证了所提出方案的良好控制性能。 更多例句>> 补充资料:变换器式功率因数表(见变换器式电表) ...
Store Modules AD/DA Converter Gravity: GP8101S 1-Channel PWM to 0-5V/10V DAC ModuleGravity: GP8101S 1-Channel PWM to 0-5V/10V DAC Module$8.90 SKU: DFR1036- + Volume Discount $8.60 3+ items $8.50 5+ items $8.20 10+ items
A 1 kW 500 kHz front-end converter for a distributed power supply system The analysis, design, and performance are discussed of a prototype high power-density converter suitable for use in the front-end of a distributed power su... LH Mweene,CA Wright,MF Schlecht - IEEE Applied Power Elect...
OB2273 is a highly integrated current mode PWM control IC optimized for high performance, low standby power(less than 100mW) and cost effective offline flyback converter applications. It offers complete protection coverage with auto-recovery including Cycle-by-Cycle current limiting (OCP), over load...
This paper proposes a novel switching capacitor PWM DC-DC voltage regulator module.The converter is a combination of a switching capacitor converter and a PWM converter,and it has the following advantages: ① Zero voltage switching of all the MOSFETs.② Using an auto transformer self-driven method...
Key words:error amplif ier;feedback;PWM buck DC-DC converter;ripple voltage; dynamic range EEAC C:1205;1220 引 言 DC-DC变换器因其低静态电流、高效率和小体积的优点而广泛应用于电源系统[1-2],用于便携式设备的电源更要求具有纹波小、启动时间短和功耗低等性能。一般情况下,纹波电压依赖于变换器的...
In this paper, A digital control of AC variable frequency drive system based on high carrier frequency PWM converter is developed. It uses the power GTO as main switch, the 16 bit single chip microcomputer 8098 as the control unit, the large-scale integration HEF4752V as PWM waveform generato...
A new AC-DC single-stage full-bridge PWM converter is proposed in the paper. The converter can operate with an excellent input power factor, continuous input and output currents, and has a bridgeless input that helps reduce conduction losses. In the paper, the basics of bridgeless AC-DC con...