#足坛资讯# 丹尼-墨菲:“恩佐-费尔南德斯不值1亿镑,他不是卡塞米罗或者罗德里。” û收藏 2 42 ñ239 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 体育博主 Ü 简介: 关于曼联的一切都在这里 We Are United We All Follow United Once a Red, al...
Its key objectives are to promote FDI in India with investment promotion activities both domestically and internationally by facilitating investment in the country via international companies, NRIs (non-resident Indians) and other forms of foreign investors.S Apparao...
加油!!! 56 即将过去的2024年,总的来说:一切来算顺利!最满意的事:全家平安健康! 愿2025年每天平安喜乐!生意兴隆!家庭和睦、身体康健。 即将过去的2024年,总的来说:一切来算顺利!最满意的事:全家平安健康! 愿2025年每天平安喜乐!生意兴隆!家庭和睦、身体康健。 57 冬日四件套!愿这个冬天不畏寒冷! 冬日四...
娜孜古丽 关注 100 粉丝 10 获赞 0 抖音号:naziguli2945 私信关注 关注私信 私密账号 发起关注请求,通过后即可查看该账号内容 广告投放 用户服务协议 隐私政策 账号找回 联系我们 加入我们 营业执照 友情链接 站点地图 下载抖音 抖音电商 网络谣言曝光台 | 网上有害信息举报 | 违法和不良信息举报:400-140-...
Consumer Behaviourit is to studying about how individual or organisation and the consumers are used to search, select use and dispose of products service experiences or ideas to satisfy needs and to study of the impacts on consumer and society (Solomon, 2012).B Phani Vardhan...
IMRBS: image matching for location determination through a region-based similarity technique for CBIR*Image retrievalimage clusteringprincipal component analysisspectral clusteringCurvelet transformThis paper presents a technique for content-based image retrieval (CBIR) by selecting the regions on the basis ...
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