DFHSJNRO 是一个样本程序,它为运行 Node.js 应用程序的 Language Environment ® 相关可调度单元组提供一组缺省运行时选项。 例如,它定义 Node.js 进程的存储分配参数。 无法提供针对所有工作负载优化的缺省运行时选项。 关于此任务 您可以更新样本程序以调整 Language Environment 相关可调度单元组,也可以将您自己...
If the signature of the method is not specified, the signature defaults to([Ljava/lang/String;)V, which means that the method accepts an array of typeStringand returns void,V. Use this container with channel DFHSJJS-V1 if the channel is passed between two application programs. Use this c...
DFHSJ-USERMTHDNM is a container of DATATYPE(CHAR). It contains the name of the method in the user class to be run in the JVM server. If the name of the method is not specified, the main() method is run. Use this container with channel DFHSJJS-V1 if the channel is passed ...
3=an internal error ocurred, 4=the script file is not valid, 5=the script file was not found, 6=the script file is not executable, 7=an unknown error occurred Destination CSMT Applicable releases in Version 6 beta 6.2Parent topic: DFHSJnnnn messages ...
DFHSJ1603IdatetimeapplidJVMSERVERjvmserverUSS scriptscriptPathwith PIDpidhas successfully completed. Explanation The USS scriptscriptPathhas completed successfully. System action Script processing ends. User response None. Module DFHSJRT XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts ...
DFHSJ-USERCLASS containerdoi:dfhsj_userclassDFHSJ-USERCLASS is a container of DATATYPE(CHAR). It contains the name of the Java class to be run in the JVM Server.Margaret Hill
The SCRIPT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS JVM profile option can be used to control timeout. ModuleDFHSJRT XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts date time applid jvmserver scriptPath pid timeout Destination CSMT Applicable releases in Version 6 6.1 Parent topic: DFHSJnnnn messages ...
DFHSJ0103 applid SJ domain initialization has failed. DFHSJ0207 Date time applid JVMSERVER jvmserver is running Java version version. DFHSJ0210 date time applid An attempt to start a JVM for the JVMSERVER resource jvmserver has failed. Reason code: {JVMPROFILE_ERROR | OPEN_JVM_ERROR | JN...
The USS script scriptPath has started. System action Processing continues. User response None. ModuleDFHSJRT XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts date time applid jvmserver scriptPath pid Destination CSMT Applicable releases in Version 6 beta 6.2 6.1Parent topic: DFHSJnnnn messages ...
DFHSJ1301datetimeappliduseridNODEJSAPPnodejsappwas not created because{an internal error occurred. |it is a duplicate of one that is already installed. |the start-script cannot be found. |the profile cannot be found. |CICS does not have read access to the start-script. |CICS does not ha...