The strong Diabetes group at the University of Dresden, which currently runs the only successful allogeneic pancreatic islet transplantation in Germany, has now been incorporated. Our main goal is to translate preclinical studies into benefits for patients as quickly as possible. The consortium focuses...
But it impedes the careers of young researchers dependent on DFG funding within Germany, and is demotivating. A better approach would be for grants to be sent out for review internationally; for referees' comments to be sent to the appli- cants in their original form, not rewritten by DFG ...
Keywords Communication research · Research cooperation · Research funding · Third-party funding · Germany Abkürzungen DACH Verbünde mit Partnern aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz EXC Exzellenzcluster FKD Forschungsverbünde mit kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Dominanz FKE Forschungsverbünd...